Saturday, March 24, 2018

Hopeful Grip

"In God’s eyes, all human life is sacred." ~ Genesis 9:6
They’d been trying frantically for a baby.  Julie, an obstetrics nurse, had suffered two miscarriages before she became pregnant.
Then, at 14 weeks, she started having painful cramps.  An ultrasound painted a grim picture that every parent-to-be dreads - spina bifida. Their unborn son’s spine had failed to close properly during the first month of pregnancy.
If a baby survives, spina bifida often leaves debilitating defects including hydrocephaly and a host of devastating secondary conditions.  Abortion was encouraged as an option.
But after years of trying to conceive, the couple believed that God had chosen this baby for them.  Scripture is clear on the sanctity of life in the womb; ending the pregnancy was never an option.
Based on her medical training, Julie discovered a pioneering program of in-utero surgery at a hospital in Nashville.  The theory behind the surgery is that repairing spine disorder before the baby is born prevents or limits brain damage, and gives a better chance of healing.
After intensive discussions with the medical staff, they not only gave surgical approval for their  21-week-old Samuel, they also agreed to let a photographer capture the surgery on film to increase awareness of this innovative procedure.
Tension mounted as the surgery began.  The procedure would take place within the uterus; no part of the child was to breach the surgical opening.
The procedure took less than 90 minutes and seemed to go well.  As the photographer stepped forward to get a final shot, the uterus shook violently from within.
Suddenly, an entire arm thrust out of the surgical opening, then pulled back until just a little hand was showing.  The doctor reached over and lifted the tiny hand that reacted by squeezing his finger as if to say “Thank You!”  Testing for strength, the doctor shook the tiny fist.  Samuel held firm as the photographer shot.
The image captured the amazing event with perfect clarity.  The “Hand of Hope” photo instantly went viral and has been used extensively by pro-life and Christian organizations to illustrate life inside the womb.
Samuel’s surgery delivered the results his parents had prayed for.  The hydrocephalus began shrinking immediately.  By the time their young son was born 15 weeks later, his brain damage had also reversed.
Now an active teenager, Samuel Armas has become a pro-life advocate.  "When I see that picture, he said, “the first thing I think of is how special and lucky I am to have God use me that way.  There is no debate about whether a child in utero is alive; the debate is over whether or not they are worthy of protection.  By witnessing such divine miracles, scientific research within the womb is challenging many to reconsider that question.”
Father God, all life is in Your care.  You’ve entrusted us to one another, that we may show everyone the same love You have for us.  We pray, then, for the least among us, the children in the womb.   Protect them from the violence of abortion.  Amen