Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Too Many Voices

“Avoid all that distracts you from God; put His work first." ~ Matthew 6:33
While vacationing recently on Ft. Meyer Beach, I noticed that certain areas were closed off by fences and signs that said "Sea Turtle Eggs."  Nesting turtles once had no trouble finding a quiet, dark beach on which to nest, but now they must compete with tourists, businesses and coastal residents for use of sandy beaches.
Female sea turtles swim to shore between May and August to dig nests in the sand and lay their precious eggs.  Months later, the eggs hatch and the baby turtles instinctively crawl toward the brightest light.
On a secluded beach, the brightest direction is most often an open view of the night sky reflected by the ocean.  Hatchlings also tend to move away from darkly silhouetted objects associated with the dune profile and vegetation.  This sea-finding behavior can take place during any phase of the moon; they don’t depend on lunar light to lead them seaward.
On a developed beach, however, the brightest light can be an artificial light source coming from restaurants, homes and condominiums along the coast.  The combined glow of artificial lights (known as skyglow), may attract hatchlings away from the ocean, leaving thousands of them wandering helplessly - in dunes, pools, or on roadways.  And if they don't find the ocean, they’ll eventually die.
It occurred to me that we humans face a similar challenge.  Rather than follow the path we were meant to follow; we are too often distracted by insignificant things that move us in the wrong direction.
Technology, online media, money, relationships, ourselves, bad habits, addictions, stress, busyness and meaningless distractions lead us astray.  Too many voices, too many choices!
Instead of following the pure light of perfection, I’ll admit to allowing bright and shiny artificial things sabotage my faith journey.
So, what about you?  Are you distracted from God … or devoted to Him?  Are you a Believer … or a Disciple?
Are you following your priorities and pure light to the right destination or are you allowing artificial distractions to lead you in the wrong direction?  Are you following the path you were meant to follow or are you letting meaningless things keep you from being your best?
It’s a constant struggle to keep our eyes fixed on Christ, and to not become distracted by the passing concerns and things of this world.  But if we’re aware of what can, and does, interfere with our walk with God, we can begin to take the necessary actions to prevent them.
But unlike sea turtles, we have the ability to think, adapt and change direction when we realize we’re following the wrong path.  We can tune out the distractions and focus on our priorities and let the pure light lead us to an ocean of possibilities and a great future.
Lord Jesus Christ, empower me to live the life that is pleasing to You.  May the confession of my mouth be seen in my feet as I follow in Your steps.  Amen