Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Connect the Dots

“Don’t let anger gain a foothold." ~ Ephesians 4:32
Anger didn’t come close to describing Caroline’s current emotion.  It boiled deep in her gut as hot as lava; hungry for destruction.  She hoped the feeling would pass, but while it hadn't, she bolted out the door oblivious to the world around her.
It wasn’t the fear of dying that scared her - but the pain, the mutilation of her body, the loss of her youth.  Cancer – it pained her to even say the word out loud.  At 27, this should not be happening.  While her peers were getting married and having children, she’d be pumping just enough chemicals into her body to destroy the cancer and hopefully not her spirit.
Caroline had often heard people quote the Bible and say, “All things work together for good to those who love God.”  How was this working for anybody’s good?
While pondering this for the umpteenth time, Caroline flashed back to that afternoon in high school when she was similarly terribly upset.  Having been passed over for a spot on the volleyball team, she’d unloaded all her teenage angst.  “It’s not fair.  God doesn’t listen to any of my prayers.  Why me?”
“It’s just a dot,” her Mom said.
“What do you mean?”
Mom pulled out a worksheet with numbered dots all over it.  “What’s that?” Caroline asked cynically.
“It’s dot-to-dot,” Mom replied.  “What’s it a picture of?”
“I don’t know, they seem scattered over the page in no apparent shape,” said Caroline wondering what point her mother was trying to make.
“That’s how life is,” Mom began.  “God places things in our lives that seem confusing or out of order.  We often have no idea why things happen the way they do.”
“So … we’re the dots?”
“No, we’re the pencil,” her mother said, handing Caroline one.  “The pencil moves from dot to dot.  Only God sees the whole picture.”
Caroline started connecting the numbered dots.  Soon the lines came together to reveal a puppy.  Maybe now it made sense.
She’d changed jobs recently and her new employer couldn’t have been more supportive.  A recent urge to become more fit and eating healthier had resulting in her sheading nearly 25 pounds.
Her cancer was slow moving.  New treatments were highly successful in eradicating early-detected cancer.  God was there all along; He’d been preparing her for the battle.
Caroline stopped viewing all these events as blips of tragedy.  She needed to trust God to reveal the beautiful bigger picture.  All things could work together in our lives for good.
Anger is a valid reaction to adversity, but if left unchecked, it will lead to bitterness and hostility.  If you're angry with God, lay your heart open before Him.  Admit that while you don't understand all that’s happening, you trust Him to make everything work out … dot to dot.
Dear Lord, there is so much hurt and anger inside of me.  I'm tired of living this way.  I'm giving it to You to heal my hurt.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.