“Those who live in the shelter of the Lord will find rest in
His shadow." ~Psalm 91:1
It was a day she had dreaded for
weeks – the military funeral for a man she’d respected, a dear friend. Colonel Alan McAllister had been commander of
her squadron during the Gulf War. It
seemed inconceivable that a man of such vivacity could be struck down so
quickly from cancer.
On one of his final days, the Colonel sat up a little taller
in his hospital bed and asked Juanita for a special favor. “Will you sing my favorite song, ‘On Eagles
Wings’ at my service?” He knew she’d
sung at other military functions.
Silence lingered as he awaited her response. A small sigh of anxiety leapt from Juanita’s throat. She wasn’t sure she could keep her emotions
in check. Still, how could she turn down
his request?
“Of course I will,” she stammered, hoping that she’d have
ample time to prepare. But today came
way too soon.
For those who’ve never experienced a military funeral
firsthand, it’s powerful and displays proud traditions. A soldier is buried to a 21-gun salute
followed by the haunting sound of "Taps” echoing across the cemetery.
Juanita had barely made it through without breaking down. She wanted to cry watching the Colonel’s wife
Mary clutching a folded flag. Instead,
she caught sight of a yellow butterfly fluttering above the sea of military

After the final prayer, Mary approached Juanita. “Will you come over to the house later this
afternoon?” she asked. “There’s a gift
that Alan insisted I give you for singing today.”
Later as they sipped tea and reminisced about the colonel’s
service, Mary spoke. “Juanita, you did
an amazing job today. “Such a blessing; and
we really appreciate you.”
“To God be the glory,” Juanita responded. “I’m so glad you were blessed.”
Mary rose from her seat and opened a drawer.
“Alan and I agreed on this special gift,” she said, handing
a brightly-wrapped box to her friend.
“He gave me this same gift once and wanted you to have one too.”
Juanita pulled off the wrapping paper, opened the box, and
pulled out a Swarovski crystal butterfly.
It caught her breath.
“Alan and I believe that a butterfly’s magnificent, yet
short life reminds us to enjoy the present,” Mary explained. “Its transformation, as well as our own
spiritual transformation, continues well beyond death.”
Are butterflies Angels perhaps?
“He will raise you up on eagle's wings, bear you
on the breath of dawn, make you to shine like the sun, and hold you in the palm
of His Hand.” On
Eagle’s Wings by Michael Joncas