“Just remember kids, you are your ancestor’s wildest dreams."
~ Deborah Roberts
How are you? I am fine. They made us write a letter; which is so
1970’s. Txting would have been so much
easier. You should follow me on
twitter. Wait! Never mind.
Camp Adulthood is okay. They
make us work a lot, but weekends are fun.
We’re learning about responsibilities and paying bills (on time). #boring!
For me, adulthood is a lifestyle option. I can take up adult responsibilities, or I
can just pick up an Xbox and decide not to start a career or have a committed
adult relationship.
I’m learning how to balance my checkbook. Honestly, I don’t know why that’s important. I just put money in and hope enough money
comes out. Isn’t the bank supposed to
keep track of my money? Adulthood is so
Our Camp Counselor insists that we develop a budget. #Pointless!
I spend money on clothes and food, going to see overpriced movies, and
sipping delicious drinks at downtown bars.
Worries about rent, gas and the practicalities of life came in dead last
on my budgetary to-do list.
We’ve learned few laundry tips.
Did you know that whites and darks should not be washed together? Or that laundry needs to go from the washer
to the dryer in a reasonable amount of time, or it will mold? #Whoknew!

The food here isn’t as good as your cooking. After doing my laundry and finishing a few
other chores, I’ll skip cooking and pick up fast food at the fancy Thai place down
the street. And why bother making
coffee? It’s far more chic to pay a
Trying to ‘adult’ is wildly confusing.
I can't figure out if I'm supposed to start a non-profit, get another
degree, or somehow travel the world and make it look effortless online.
I’ve been putting a lot of thought into this and I don’t think being an
adult is going to work for me. Please
come get me – this camp feels like foreeeeeeever!
Marriage, children, a paying job and a home are the
traditional signs of adulthood. Take an economic collapse that targeted young
people, combine it with a growing culture of individualism and narcissism, and
the result is that these markers are fading.
And while its easy (and admittedly fun to poke fun at
Millennials sometimes), here are a few additional truths. Research shows that Millennnials are: (1) more
likely to be employed due to the rapid growth of female employment, (2) more
likely to obtain higher levels of education, (3) more ethnically and racially
diverse, and (4) learning that accruing too much “stuff” is its own burden.
Millennial, I pray that you wake each
morning knowing you have work to do that this world desperately needs. Never shy away from giving it all you’ve got.