Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Joyful Again

“Never be afraid - I am with you!  I will protect you.  I am your God." ~ Isaiah 41:10
There’s nothing like an old flame pressing back into your life and asking “How’ve you held up?”
“Me?  Held up?  Well . . .” Jordan stammered.  She couldn’t recall what she said next, but she remembered how she felt: SAD!
‘Sad’ sounds so childish, like something one should be able to cast off with a happy reflection or the smile of a friend.  But ‘sadness’ is real.  It sits inside like the germ seed of depression, just waiting for the right conditions to grow, to send out roots to choke the hope from your heart.
She’d based everything in her life on fear of something bad happening.  Despite her tough exterior, she was paper thin inside.  Taking risks terrified her.
That very day she made a decision to live her life again.  The 32 year-old-Jordan was just as alive and deserving of infinite possibilities as her 18-year-old-self once was.
Slowly but steadily, that’s exactly what she did.
Jordan started talking to God – out loud.  It seemed weird at first, sharing her fears, asking forgiveness, thanking Him for the good things already in her life.
Prayer began to change her.  She started feeling a quiet inside.  It changed her thoughts.  The meditation deepened their connection.
Over time her mind became clearer, more resolute.  Just as burgeoning sunlight promises a new dawn, God helped ease the pain of distant memories and steeled her to think of a more positive future; one that she would mold, build, direct.
Jordan felt more in charge, in command of her own mind, body and soul.  She was a woman walking into her own destiny, yet a destiny that lay squarely in His hands.
Today she’s alive again.  Her job seems more fulfilling.  Favorite oldies make her smile again.  She likes to dress up for parties.  Her prayers work better when she says them near the lake.  She loves being near water.  She likes the way it flows.  It’s alive.  It’s free.  It’s beautiful.  And now God’s helped her realize that she is too.
As we journey through life, there’ll inevitably be periods of incredible frustration and despair.  During those tough times, it will sometimes appear to us that we’ve lost everything, and that nothing and nobody could possibly motivate us to move onward in the direction of our dreams.
God always has something for you – a key for every problem, light for every shadow, comfort for every sorrow, a plan for every tomorrow and human support that comes in many forms.  It can be a simple email or text message from someone we respect, inspiring blog posts, insightful books, helpful neighbors, and so much more.
Almighty Father, I’ll try this day to live a simple, sincere and peaceful life, resisting every thought of anxiety, discouragement, impurity, discontent and self-indulgence.  In its place I’ll cultivate cheerfulness, fairness, charity and a childlike faith in You.  Amen