“Pain is God’s megaphone." ~ CS
Born in the Bronx, Alejandro’s
youth was abbreviated by drugs and violence.
At seven he discovered his mother unconscious on the kitchen floor,
syringe sticking out of her arm. They
saved her body … but they couldn’t save her life.
Over the next few years, drugs ruled her mind, drove her
body to horrifying acts of depravity, doing anything to attain her next hit. The last time he’d seen her alive, addiction
had putrefied her into a walking corpse, ready to be nailed into a coffin and
swallowed by darkness. She died a few
days later.
He roamed the streets, haunted by the destructive influence
of illegal narcotics. They’d already ruined
everything in his life, including his mother and many of his closest friends. So during the winter of 2001, he killed a
neighborhood drug dealer peddling his goods to local school kids.
Pointing a pistol at him, he gave the villain ten seconds to
run; started shooting after three. A
jury took pity on Alejandro, finding him guilty of manslaughter instead of
murder. He served nearly thirteen years
before being released 22 months ago.
Life on the outside gleamed like a brand new car. He was happy, and determined to be the best
ex-convict ever, in every way, to set an example for those who would come after.
Alejandro prayed the same prayer every ex-con did: “Lord, I
promise to change my ways, just don't let me ever go back there again.” But apparently, that wasn’t God’s plan.

Alejandro cringed when he recognized that voice; one that
had sent fear through all inmates years ago. Ray’s intimidating appearance surrounded him
like a fog. Well over six-feet tall and 220
pounds, his muscles were thick and taunt, like a tightly wound rope. Time seemed frozen for a second as Alejandro searched
Ray’s eyes for some hint of what might happen next.
“Thanks for coming Pastor,” Ray said. “The guys are thrilled to have you back!”
When he’d first been incarcerated, Alejandro was forced to choose
an affiliation for protection; usually determined by race and gang allegiance. A small number of men however, like Ray, chose
Christianity as their ‘gang.’ In a
moment of fear and loneliness, Alejandro made the decision to follow
He soon began leading mid-week Bible studies at the prison
church and later thoroughly studied John Macarthur’s Fundamentals of the
Since his prison release, he started the process to become a
Minister with a passion for hardcore offenders committed to changing their
lives and the lives of others.
Almighty Father, I never wanted to go back. But You had a better plan. Thank You for inspiring in me the passion for
prison ministry and a pathway to its reality.
My character has been forged by Your hand, Thank You! ~