Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Heaven Scent

“I came so that everyone would have life, and have it in its fullest.   -- John 10:10
Daren held Mari’s trembling hand as they braced themselves for shocking news.
Only 18 weeks pregnant, Mari underwent emergency surgery to deliver the couple's new daughter, Maddie.   At 9 inches long and weighing a little over one pound, she faced a daunting future.
Numb with disbelief, they listened as the doctor described the frightening problems Maddie would likely face - if she survived.  Blindness was in her future, as was a host of mental and physical challenges.

"I don't think she's going to make it," the surgeon said, as kindly as she could. “I’m so sorry.”
This could not be happening.  They had long dreamed of the day they would have a daughter to complete a family of four.  Now, within a matter of hours, that dream was fading away.
As Maddie clung to life by the thinnest thread, Mari prayed.  With each prayer, she became more determined that by the grace of God, their tiny child would not only survive – but live to be a vibrant, happy young woman.  
As if willed to live by Mari’s unwavering determination, Maddie hung on with the aid of every medical device her frail body could endure.  Oh how they longed to hold their little baby – but because she was so premature, even the slightest touch was painful to her.
Slowly she gained weight and strength.  After two months, they were able to cradle Maddie in their arms for the first time.  What a glorious moment!
Three months later, she went home from the hospital, just as Mari had predicted.
Today, five years later, Maddie is a petite but feisty young girl with radiant green eyes and a passion for the outdoors.   A miracle perhaps, but that’s not where this story ends.
One afternoon in the garden and hugging herself across her chest, Maddie asked, "Do you smell that?"  Sensing a thunderstorm coming, Mari replied, "Sure I do, it smells like rain.  I think we're gonna get wet."
"No!” she exclaimed, “It smells like Him.  It smells like God when he holds you close to His heart!”
You see, during those difficult first months of her life when her body was too sensitive for human contact, God held on to Maddie - it was His loving scent that she remembered so well.
We may be lonely, but we are never alone.  When you trust Him, He will guide you on your faith journey.  He will hold you securely  – close enough to hear His voice; to feel his caress, to inhale His heavenly fragrance.  And if you are not as close to God as you used to be, who moved?
“Hold me tight dear Jesus, close enough that I can feel your warm embrace.  When the storms of life are raging, and doubt overwhelms me – remind me of Your love.  Hold my small hand in Yours and let the grace of Your tender scent bring me peace.  Amen.”