Tuesday, July 26, 2011


“God cares for you, so turn all your worries over to him.”  -- 1 Peter 5:7
In a small southern Japanese village toward the end of the World War II, Takashi and his son Kaito were to travel to the city to sell their farm produce.  They make this weekly trip together, always arriving by 9:00 to get the best spot at the farmer’s market.
Takashi was late . . . Kaito was furious!  Takashi instantly noticed his son’s irritation and without apology, explained that he had stopped to help his neighbor get to the hospital.
“We’ll be late again!” Kaito said.  Disappointment hung as heavy as the morning dew.  “Others will take the prime locations – our vegetables will more likely spoil than sell.”
The old man stroked his chin pensively before he asked, “Which animal do you like best?”
Kaito replied quickly, “Father, you know I love horses!  They are powerful!  I admire the way they work the fields for us.  Why?”

“My son,” Takashi began, “You are young, that’s your burden.  You have much to learn.”  “I love work horses,” he continued, “But spiders, ants and bees inspire me more!”
Kaito looked confused.  These ugly insects were more than just nuisances; they bite and sting too.
Takashi explained that he liked bees because if a bear breaks their hive and steals their honey, they keep on building their honeycombs and make more honey.  He was likewise in awe of ants; if someone destroys their nest, they immediately work together and rebuild; each ant having its own job.  
Spiders too, start repairing any damage to their web right away - or build a whole new, better one by eating the old silk and reproducing it.
The two walked on in silence, allowing the infusion of his wise counsel.
As they approached the city, the whole valley was filled by a garish glow and a curious wave of blistering heat.  It didn’t occur to them that this might have had something to do with enemy warplanes.  
Today was August 6th, 1945 - the day much of Hiroshima was razed by a nuclear bomb.  Thousands perished instantly; others would eventually die from horrific burns.
The city was no more!!  Had they arrived 30 minutes earlier they too would have been incinerated along with all those who were at the market that morning.
Life surprises us sometimes by destroying even our most carefully built plans.  Disappointments may be blessings in disguise.  Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we handle it.  But God is good . . . even when things are bad!  Like the insects, if we trust Him and are prepared to work hard and start over, eventually we’ll achieve more than we could ever have asked, dreamed or hoped for.
Father, I get discouraged when you don’t act the way I think you should.  I foolishly wonder if you are even listening to me.  Help place my confidence not in what I’m praying for – but in WHO I am praying to.  Amen.