Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Best Valentine Ever

“Children, you show love for others by truly helping them.” - - 1 John 3:18
Dan’s life changed forever last year when his wife Linda died from breast cancer.    Married for thirteen years, theirs was an idyllic relationship.  It had its ups and downs, but they were best friends; content to be alone, happiest just walking the dogs, or watching a Disney movie with their daughter Callie.  Linda was the most selfless, generous person Dan had ever known . . . or likely would EVER know. 
February 14th had always been special, not that they needed a ‘Hallmark’ day to remind them of their love for each other.  But this year it reminded him how much he missed her; no gift exchange, no evening together, no heartfelt card.  
Dan dropped Callie off at his parents after school.  The six year old didn’t need to see him grieve tonight; he’d do that alone, lost in memories of love long gone.   On the drive over, she’d asked about “Val-in-times” Day.  Dan explained that it was a tradition that people send cards and flowers to those they love.  But they don't always tell who it’s from!
"Why would they keep it secret?” asked the curious child.  
Dan paused before answering.  "I guess the mystery can make it exciting.  Or maybe they don’t want to be disappointed if the person doesn’t love them back."
Back at home staring at a half-eaten frozen dinner and brooding over a glass of cheap merlot, when his cell phone startled him.

"Daddy!” shouted Callie.  “Guess what?  A Valentine card was just delivered here for you!  You’ve gotta come over right away and open it!”
He wondered who would send him a card addressed to his parent's home.  An old girlfriend trying to reconnect after his loss perhaps?
When he arrived, Dan still wasn't sure who the card was from, but he had a few suspicions.  Callie greeted him at the front door and held out a bulging envelop – ample tape holding it all together.  
He examined the package carefully.  “Happy Valentine’s Day” adorned the cover in a familiar font.  On the back were a series of multi-colored hearts with one large pink bow across the center.  Dan glanced at his mother as she smiled.
"Isn't it good you got a card, Daddy?"
"Yes, but I wonder who it’s from."  He opened it and removed a dried flower, two sea shells, and several silly bands.   What precious gifts, he thought.  The card read:
“My daddy can do anything; he’s smart as smart can be.  I love to walk and hold his hand to show he belongs to me.”   Love ???
"It must be a secret girlfriend,” Dan suggested.
"Someone who loves you very much,” added Callie.
God of eternity, bind us ever more tightly together by Your wisdom and love.  Help us to listen and look for You in ourselves, that our relationships may reflect the beauty of Your love for us.  Let Your hand always guide us.  Amen.