Thursday, January 1, 2015

Nobody Joe

“Whoever does not love doesn’t know God, for He is love." ~ 1 John 4:8
Joe walked up the steps and opened the heavy door with a loud creak.  Sure enough, the church was empty, so he stretched himself out on a pew in the back and chuckled to himself.
His short daydream was interrupted by an incredulous usher.  “What the  h _ _ _? he barked.  You can’t be here; church starts in less than 30 minutes.  Get out!”
It must have been an alarming sight.  Joe had a strange appearance, almost as if it was contrived. His hair was unkempt and straw-like, nearly fossilized it was so dry.  He wore the beard of a vagrant: disheveled and spittle flecked.  His ragged clothes suggested that old Joe had surrendered to the passage of time; a character truly out of place in this holy sanctum.  
Undaunted by the impolite greeting, Joe rose, gathered his bag of dumpster treasures and wandered into Fellowship Hall.   There he greeted people with a friendly smile; asking for loose change to buy food.  No one seemed moved by his begging.
One worried little girl tugged on her father's sleeve.  "But Daddy . . ."
Daddy was busy sizing up the bearded stranger, whose shapeless trousers and frayed work shirt had too often cushioned his ‘concrete mattress.’  "Don't stare at him, honey," he whispered, before rushing her inside.
Soon, sacred music filled the sanctuary as church members settled into their usual spots.   The Worship Leader read a host of Church announcements.  “And finally,” she spoke eagerly, “I have the great pleasure of introducing today’s guest Pastor.”
Sunlight flooded the center aisle as double doors swung wide open.  Joe the homeless man, sloppy and hunched, headed toward the front.  Before anyone had a chance to react, he ambled up the steps and stood behind the imposing oak podium, where he faced a dumbfounded congregation.
The scruffy outsider paused for a moment; then began in an eloquent, clear voice.
"Jesus revealed a love that far surpasses what any of us deserve."
Stepping out of the baggy old trousers, Pastor Joe went on to describe Christ’s love for every one of us.  No strings attached.
Congregants squirmed as reality hit them like a thunderbolt.  The stranger tugged at his wildly disheveled beard before removing it.
"He loves us unconditionally and forever.  No matter who we are, where we've come from, or how badly we may have mistreated others or ourselves, His love never fails."
Today I see a gathering of people . . . not a Christ-like community.  Being a Christian is more than something you claim.  It's something you live by and share with others.  It’s not too late to change.” 
That wise Pastor, under the guise of a homeless "nobody," dismissed the service until next week, leaving everyone with plenty to think about until then.
“When my work on earth is done, and life's victories have been won.  He will take me home above, then I'll understand his love.  Yes Jesus love me!”