Monday, April 27, 2015

Sleeping Beauty

“Always set a good example for others.  Be sincere and serious when you teach." ~ Titus 1:7
How could she have ever complained about being tired before having kids!  Now after returning to work, Jodie wondered how she had the audacity to whine about being tired with a newborn when she could relax, rest, or even sleep during the day on maternity leave. 
Saturday afternoons brought welcome relief from the exhaustion that consumed her mushy brain.  Today as she drifted ever closer to dreamland, her thoughts turned to Grace – her sleeping beauty.
There are few things as gratifying and heart-warming as watching her little one sleeping; a picture of sweet tranquility.  Safely secure within a cocoon of warmth and love, Gracie has no cares, no worries.  It’s one of the rewards of motherhood - the sign of a job well done.
Feisty while awake, the toddler is full of sass and attitude.  She has her moments of quiet reverie and artistic endeavors, but for the most part, she’s a blur of kinetic energy.  
She’s the Energizer Bunny to the nth degree.  Grace sings, dances, jumps rope, jumps on the bed, cartwheels across any open space, sprints everywhere, and barely stops to catch a breath.
And then, she sleeps.  Ahhhhh, she sleeps.  All traces of the hard edges melt away.  Her eyes become gentler, her mouth relaxed.  Her angelic expression holds no fear, no worry, no anxiety, no concern at all.  Sometimes, she smiles.  
At night, Jodie often sneaks into Grace’s room and watches her sleep for a few moments, marveling at the almost supernatural transformation.  She’s so sweet and peaceful, vulnerable and unfettered, and usually in some heartwarming sleep position.  If only she could hold onto those moments forever.
Sometimes, if the day has been excessively tough, she apologizes.  "I'm sorry, baby, for losing my cool, for not being a more patient mother, for being so frustrated.  I'm so sorry, and I'm trying to be better.  Please forgive me."  She vows that tomorrow will be better. 
Just as sleep begins taking over her body and brain, consciousness crept back in unexpectedly, startling Jodie awake.  
Gracie, her 20-month-old daughter, was covering her with a blanket.  She patted Jodie’s back, then kissed her gently on the cheek - exactly what she does when tucking Grace in at night.
How closely our children watch us, and what they learn from our actions.  They watch what we do and how we act.  Our behaviors are reflected in their behaviors.
This means that as parents, we need to not just quote Scripture, but to live Scripture before our children.  Never forget that the way you live your life is the primary “message” your child receives. Your convictions are caught more than taught.
Father, help me understand them, listen patiently to what’s on their minds and answer all their questions.  Keep me from interrupting and contradicting them.  Give me the courage to ask their forgiveness, when I’m wrong.  Amen  ~ Highlights for Children excerpt