“God speaks to us through His beautiful creations." ~ John
Silvery flakes drifted softly,
glittering in the bright light of a golden sunrise. Winter trees shivered in the gentle wind;
naked branches adorned with an icy frosting. For Brianna (5), it marked something very
special – the first ‘snow day’.
All bundled up, Mom and daughter loaded their snow tubes, a
few extra mittens, and a thermos of hot chocolate into the back seat of the car
and headed to the “Best park on the planet to slide!"
Mom grew up in a small town just a few miles from where their family lives now. Going back
there to ride down the hill together had always been her dream. As a little girl playing with her friends
she often declared "Someday I'll bring my kids here!”

For Mom, today seemed extra special. Brianna was finally old enough to take a few
trips down the hill on her own. Not that
this was a dangerous hill, but for the first time Mom was starting to let go. From the first day we begin to teach our
children to be independent, we begin to experience that special pain - the one
that tugs at your heart every time they take another step in the direction of
As they came to a rolling stop, the two tumbled into the powder
laughing. The cobalt sky above reminded
them of God’s creative talents. Next to
where they’d stopped were a few small evergreens laden with snow.
"Look Bri, see how the snow glistens on those branches?”
Mom motioned. “After God sends us snow
to play in, He sends sunlight to dance on the snowflakes. As they melt, the snow turns into tiny water drops. As they hang there, light shines through them
and you can see little rainbows. It's
all a part of His magnificent expression," Mom explained.
"This is way better than Disney World!" Brianna
said, "and we don't have to stand in line to see it."
Off in the distance they heard other children playing. Yet, in that precious moment that this young
Mother will one-day recall when she’s feeling abandoned and alone, God put on a
light show and life danced across their souls.
Have you taken a minute to stop and watch a snowflake float
to the ground? Or seen a rainbow in a
droplet of God's tears? If you haven't, my good friend, you're missing
the greatest show on earth … and it’s all free for an investment of your time.
Almighty Father, You’ve beckoned us to marvel at
majestic mountains, enjoy vibrant sunsets, smell fragrant roses, and calm
ourselves beside still waters. Thank You for doing all the hard work so we
could enjoy these simple pleasures. Amen