“Truly the sun’s light is sweet; pleasant for the eyes to
behold! ~ Ecclesiastes 11:7
Michigan winters are often defined
in various shades of grey. That is, at
least until its Great Lake traps it’s vast waters beneath a solid ice sheet, allowing
the sun to shine on occasion.
But despite the dismal, dreary sky, Yulia loved her morning
walks along the naked trees lining the Paint Creek Trail. It allowed time for brisk exercise, prayerful
contemplation, and of course, the companionship of her faithful friend
A frigid, misty rain was falling today. The air clung like frozen lace on her skin,
delicate and cold, like winter waves on shallow sand. As they trekked through fresh, crisp snow, Bella’s
puppy breath rose in visible puffs. She
too loved the outdoors.

Her body craved the sunlight that converts the vitamin D that
naturally boosts serotonin levels. Adequate
serotonin directly affects healthier moods - which may explain why she always
felt revitalized and happier when spring arrives.
Suddenly Bella barked and ran ahead a few dozen paces. There she sat patiently waiting for Yulia to
join her. A tiny break in the clouds had
appeared and a sunbeam shot through them, shining directly onto Bella’s coat.
Yulia hurried to join Bella, letting the sun’s warmth embrace
her like an old friend. It felt as if God
leaned down from Heaven and planted a tender kiss on her forehead. After weeks without it, she was surprised by
the heat in its rays. No longer did it
leach enjoyment from her body, but instead, returned it tenfold.
She let it wash over her, rekindling a fire in her soul; reminding
her that the sun always shines behind the clouds. It was also a cheerful reminder that God’s
love is always there even on the darkest of days.
The break in the clouds lasted only a minute more. But the light Yulia took in from it stayed
with her for the rest of the day.
Sometimes we all need a little light to keep us going when
the world seems dark. Sometimes we all
need a little reminder of God’s love for us to keep us strong and shining
bright. And sometimes we need to be that
light ourselves.
The next time then that this world seems dim and gray - be
the light that makes it bright once again.
Share your love, your warmth, and your smile. Give your goodness, your kindness, and your
joy. Break through the clouds and let
God’s light shine through you.
Gracious and loving God, Your rays embrace the earth.
Help us to seek Your brilliance and
warmth in good times as well as bad. Help us to always be mindful that You are
our sure hope in a world that doesn’t always seem to care. Amen