“If you don’t do what you know is right, you have sinned."
~ James 4:17
It's not easy when your family is
barely scraping by, treading paycheck-to-paycheck, earning just enough to keep
from going under. That’s especially true
when you're a teenager.
Her Dad worked two low paying part-time jobs and had no real
prospects for better employment. Mom
worked odd jobs under the table when she could.
They were the in-betweeners – never earning enough to live comfortably
but not ‘poor’ enough to get public assistance either.
Once the school bus pulled away, Emma broke into a run, dashing
into the alley behind the stores and restaurants. The food in those trash bins was double
wrapped; much of it still cold from the refrigerators. Free food meant she could pocket the lunch
money Mom gave her before school this morning.
Maybe she’d splurge and see a movie.
At first she almost ripped over it – a thick black wallet
bulging with cash lying just off the curb.

She pondered what to do next.
Being hungry in a working-poor family, $2,700 might’ve gone
a long way. She could’ve indulged
herself: an iPhone, designer purse, or perhaps the down payment on a car, with
plenty left over to help out her Mom and Dad.
But those thoughts never occurred to Emma. Twenty-seven hundred dollars was an awful lot
to be carrying around. Her parents
didn’t own a credit card; too easy to get behind in payments. It must’ve been intended for something
essential. She needed to get it back to
whoever lost it.
The young woman forgot about her grumbling stomach. Emma felt a little funny rifling through
someone’s personal items, but she imagined the rightful owner wouldn’t mind if
he got his wallet back. She was right!
The wallet and cash belonged to a veteran who sobbed with
relief when Emma reached him with the help of a local storeowner’s phone. He’d been behind in his rent; a friend had
loaned him the cash to settle debts with his landlord.
They met. Emma even
refused a $50 reward. She’d done the
right thing even though taking the unethical short cut might have benefited not
only herself, but her family as well. But
feeling good about doing the right thing was something that she’d enjoy for the
rest of her life!
Doing the right thing is often counter-cultural in today’s
“what’s in it for me” society. However,
that’s exactly what God wants us to do.
Doing the right thing in every circumstance will not only bless our
friends, neighbors and even our enemies, but it will be a special gift to
ourselves as well.
Lord, make me truthful and honorable in all
things. Give me the ability to be
charitable, forgiving, and patient with all people. Help me to understand their motives and
shortcomings, even as you forgive mine! Amen