“Now may the Lord’s strength be displayed." ~ Number
14: 17
Morgan, a 20-something college
student was the kind of young woman that made people feel good about life. The sunshine in her smile and the buoyancy in
her voice always seemed to encourage and inspire others. That’s just how she lived, loving God and
loving people.
Driving across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, Morgan was feeling
euphoric. Early evenings along the Bay
can be magical, especially when the sun was beginning its retreat.
She stopped her car for a bridge toll when she noticed a
large tractor trailer truck approaching in her rear view mirror. It showed no sign of slowing down.
With no time to escape, Morgan felt a thunderous crash when
the 18-wheeler rammed into the rear of her car. Its momentum began pushing her car forward. She could see the jersey wall and the water far
below as her brain raced frantically with prayers for the car to stop on
the bridge.

Upon impact, the car tumbled beneath the water’s surface. Her mind became a carousel of fears spinning
out of control, each one pushing flight instincts to full throttle. Hanging
upside down and sinking into the abyss, Morgan struggled frantically to unhook
the seatbelt that was rapidly deflating her lungs.
“Lord, don’t me die this way!” she pleaded.
At that very moment, she felt God’s reassuring touch. Morgan unlocked the seat belt and pulled
herself out the driver’s side window.
She swam to the surface and swam nearly a quarter mile to the Massachusetts
Opening her eyes to the softening sun, Morgan gazed skyward
waiting for help to arrive. She'd never
have survived that horrifying ordeal without divine intervention. She wanted the whole world to know how God's
supernatural power gave her superhuman strength to break free from that watery
Sadly, the news organizations distanced themselves from any
reference made about, God, Jesus, or miracles, even though it was germane to Morgan’s
story. They simply reported her dramatic
escape from death but deleted Morgan's words of gratitude to God. It’s a common problem.
So I’m telling you the whole story here.
Miracles happen every day.
When we change our perception of what a miracle is, we see them all
around us. Morgan’s story is an example
about overcoming tremendous adversity through faith in God. To Him be all the glory!
Your frightening ordeal may not be on a bridge over
harrowing waters. But suddenly, you
might be going through something that causes you fear or doubt. It could be unemployment, loneliness, bankruptcy,
sickness, or countless other misfortunes.
Just know that while we all experience setbacks, God
suddenly shows up at exactly the right time to turn our setbacks into
comebacks. Live your life expecting His miracles.
Lord, thank you for the miracles in my life –
for family, friends, and puppies. For
sunrises, snowflakes, and mighty oceans.
And thank you for adversities too; challenges that bring me closer to
you. Amen