“God remains forever faithful." ~ 2
Timothy 2:13
In the tiny café, he sat alone at
a table for two. Hundreds rushed by it –
few stepped inside.
The waitress returned to his table for the umpteenth
time. "Would you like to order yet?"
(He’d been waiting almost half an hour). "No, thank you," he smiled. "I'll wait a little longer.”
His blue eyes stared through the flowered centerpiece. Sounds of light chatter and soothing music filled
his mind. He’d dressed up enough to make
a companion feel significant, respected, loved.
He’d taken every precaution to make her feel at ease.
Something tugged at her curiosity. "I don't mean to pry, but..." her
voice trailed off.
Go ahead," he encouraged in a confident, yet sensitive
"Why do you keep waiting for her?" she
blurted. Said the man quietly,
"Because she needs me."
“No offense, sir,” she pressed, “she sure isn't acting like
it. She stood you up 3 times this
The man’s eyes shifted towards his folded hands. "Yes, I know, but Andrea said she’d be
"She's said that before," the waitress
protested. "I wouldn't put up with
it. Why do you?"
Now the man looked up, beamed, and said simply,
"Because I love her."
The waitress retreated, wondering how one could love a woman
who stands him up repeatedly. He doesn’t
look crazy. Maybe this lady has unique
qualities. Or maybe the man's love is
stronger than most. Reflectively, she
moved on to another table.

He requested the check after almost two hours, leaving enough
for 5 cups of coffee and a healthy tip. He
passed a laughing couple on the way out; his teary eyes pondering the good time
they could’ve had. Stopping at the
front, he made reservations for tomorrow.
"Seven o'clock tomorrow for party of two?" the
hostess confirmed. “I hope she’ll come.”
"She will … someday, and I’ll be waiting." Buttoning his overcoat, he left alone; shoulders
hunched. One could only guess if they
were bent against the wind or a broken heart.
As the man walked on, Andrea
crawled into bed, tired from an evening with friends. When she reached toward her night stand to
set the alarm, she saw the note she’d scribbled to herself last night. “Tomorrow,” it read, “spend time in prayer.”
“Darn, I forgot again” she thought casting aside a twinge of
guilt. She needed that time with her
friends. She can pray tomorrow
night. Jesus will forgive her (again).
Loving God, thank You for being the One
constant in my life. No matter what
happens, no matter what I go through, or whatever may change, You are still
there, and You stay the same - faithful and true. Amen