“Gifts not given from the heart gain nothing." ~ 1
Corinthians 3:13
This is the time of year when
Harold should be reveling in the spirit of the season; his heart filled with
the joy he felt as a child. He wanted to
be lifted by the true meaning of Christmas; he needed to feel it. But it wasn’t there. Not yet anyway.
Maybe it’s the daily assault of commercials, ads, and
holiday sales. Every imaginable
electronic gadget is touted as something that’ll change our lives. Kids are asking for these items which cost
hundreds of dollars at a pop. And
parents are obliging.
It’s so easy to get caught up in the drudgery of everyday
life. Time is limited. Bills are abundant. Harold’s own life was chaotic: coaching high
school basketball, raising his own two kids, attending a plethora of holiday
parties, and lately – he was asked by his church to chair the annual “Making
Christmas Magical” campaign to collect toys for families with limited financial
means. Toy donations are something even
very young children can understand and participate in.
As Harold collected one of the boxes for distribution,
something caught his eye. Among the assortment
of dolls, plush toys, electronics, and books was something uncommon - a gift
not purchased from a fancy department store.
It wasn’t wrapped in festive paper and adorned with ribbons and
bows. This donation came without a
receipt and couldn’t be taken back.
What caught his eye were 2 used pencils wrapped in torn
notebook paper with a drawing of a “heart” for someone in need. Harold lifted it from the box; running his
fingers across well-worn surfaces. It
touched his heart, dissolving deep into his soul.
Maybe the child that gave these pencils came from a poor
family who would have wanted one of the new toys in a colorful, shiny box. But this child gave something from the core;
something much greater than him or herself.
Such a precious gift; offered so
humbly and lovingly. Perhaps it was intended
specifically for Harold to remind him of the simplicity of Christmas; that the
best gifts are not material items but blessings of listening, of kindness, of
remembering, of visiting, of forgiving.
Merry Christmas everyone! It’s a magical time when miracles happen,
hearts are softened, and the pure love of Christ is felt and experienced like
no other time of the year. As we consider
the example and infinite sacrifice of our Savior, may we also consider how we
can be more Christlike in our associations with family and friends, not just
during this season but throughout the year.
Almighty Father, thank You for the most generous
gift of all - Your son Jesus. Open the
doors of our hearts and reach out to those around us who are lonely, forgotten,
or poor in spirit. May we glorify You
with all we’re blessed with. Amen