Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Earth Angel

 “Children are a gift from God, a reward to be cherished." ~ Psalm 127:3

I’ve often felt that children are closer to angels than we adults are.  They seem far more ready to share joy freely; to know how to celebrate life, laugh, smile, and embrace delight just as God meant for all of us to do.  Nothing implanted this point in my heart more clearly than a story a friend of mine recently shared about her daughter.

April and Simone were sitting in the plastic chairs lining the walls of the cancer hospital’s radiation treatment waiting room.  While she waited for her husband’s therapy to finish, April busied herself in a book; little Simone curiously observed the others in the room. 

She loved doing that; taking in her surroundings and the people that filled them, trying to determine what they were thinking and feeling.  She’d been born cognitively impaired, yet her soul shined brighter than a thousand suns.  She loved everyone and was never afraid to express her affection to others.

On this day there were but three others in the waiting room - an older man and his wife and a young woman in her thirties.  Distress seemed etched in the faces of the older adults. 

Simone got up from her chair and approached the trio without hesitation.  She turned first to the younger woman who, based on her pale skin and fragile appearance, was the patient.  

“Would you like a hug?” Simone asked.

Now most people would have politely declined.  Some people might’ve felt this was inappropriate or even a little creepy.  But those people hadn’t been blessed enough to know Simone; never one to hold back her love.

The woman opened her arms wide enough for Simone to snuggle in.  She gave her a hug full of both energy and love; one that could easily chase away bad dreams, make the sun shine on a gloomy day, or set the world right.

Both parents stood and gestured that they could use a similar hug.  Simone gladly obliged before returning to her own chair.  No additional words were spoken … none were needed.  She’d accomplished her mission without conditions.

Our children can teach us so much about compassion, so much about joy, so much about life!  Let’s not ignore the lessons they give us every day.  Just watch them … or ponder your own open-minded inner child.

Let’s instead learn from them and share more passion and joy with others in our own lives.  God put us here to love each other.  Sometimes we forget, but thankfully God is patient and forgiving with us.  He never fails to send us joyous angels and happy children to guide us back to love again. 

Father God, thank You for all the precious children in this world.  We know they mean so much to You.  Help us do all we can to protect and release them from poverty in order to provide them the start in life they deserve, Amen