Monday, January 24, 2022

Life Finds a Way

“His followers will thrive like watered grass; like willows on a riverbank." ~ Isaiah 44:3-4

The old saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words,” suggests that an image contains far more in color and content than words ever could.  But for those who love to write, carefully fashioned sentence structures have tremendous emotive power that bring pictures to life.

I don’t have a clue as to this incredible tree’s back story.  What follows is pure fantasy.

In a perfect world, every garden would have that perfect, loamy, well-irrigated soil, with just the right amount of sunshine, never too cold in winter or too hot and dry in summer.   Meanwhile back in the real world we face difficult, ofttimes unpredictable conditions.  Fortunately, there are a few hearty saplings that’ll survive, even thrive, in the most unlikely places.

Good timber doesn’t grow easily. Whether they're growing in the middle of gale-force winds, inside concrete tunnels, or even rising from a solid rock, some know how to survive in places where no other life finds a way.

Look around.  Nature’s creative projects surround us, each in their own way proclaiming God’s wisdom, magnificence and goodness. There’s so much we can learn.

There is no ‘perfect’ location for a seed to germinate or a root to sprout.  Trees will grow wherever conditions nurture them best. Take a page from nature’s handbook - explore freely?  Change can be good and there’s always more of the world to explore.

Just as this tree has the strength to weather decades of storms, we too must find the strength to endure all the ‘blows’ life presents.  Trees also have the ability to heal themselves.  For us, adversity is reality; so, it’s how we react that reveals our true character.

By burying its roots, a tree continuously matures through nutrient rich soil.  So must we sink our roots deeply, allowing our network of closest family and friends to provide spiritual sustenance, help us grow, and be the constant in our lives that keep us ‘grounded’.

Trees never die.  They’ll simply decompose into mother earth and become fertilizer for the seeds it scattered seasons ago.  We too are perpetually ‘becoming’.  When this dream ends, we’ll be    reborn into a new one prepared earlier with our karmic actions.  To achieve one’s greatness, you’ll need to tap into new levels of effort, discipline, grit and courage.

One final word.  Tree branches seem to reach toward Heaven, as if in prayer.  This reminds me that no matter, I should always remember that it doesn’t take much effort to reach my hands toward Heaven, whisper a prayer, and remember our Creator while admiring His creation.  What a wonderful time to prayerfully and playfully exploring the beauties and mysteries of God.

Lord, help me to cultivate my roots in You.  Gift my foundation with wisdom and my fruit with abundance.  Guide me so that I bend, not fall, when the winds of life blow - for many are the benefits of life with You!  Amen