Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Talk Back

 “Every day you preach to yourself some kind of gospel." ~ Dr. Paul David Tripp

“Where the hell are my car keys?” Dana screamed in frustration.

They weren’t on the hook where she normally kept them and she was running late for work again.   A second expletive died in her throat as her cherubic three-year-old uttered words that shattered like a two-dollar mirror, “Mommy, you said a bad word.”  

Frustrated from being sequestered in their tiny apartment all weekend, her first instinct was to tell her son to “shut up!”  She glanced over at the tiny human sitting on the floor, eyes of pure mischief and a heart of gold.

Tears slowly crawled from Dana’s sleep-deprived eyes.  Laughing didn’t feel like the right way to go either.  She pondered another response, but Dakota had already moved on without bother.

“Bunny ears, Bunny ears, jumped into the hole, popped out the other side beautiful and bold," he recited using a nursery rhyme as a reminder of the motions involved.  Ask a toddler to tie their shoes and you’ll almost certainly hear the directions out loud to reinforce the process.

As a single mom, she didn’t receive much credit for all that she did.  As the mom, dad, employee, teacher, handy-person, chef, and so much more, she tried so hard.  But the world felt like it was caving in.  The only thing keeping them alive and well was her love.  Sometimes she just wanted to quit.

Gazing down again at her young son talking to himself, and feeding himself with the reassuring words needed to finish his task, she wondered, “Am I listening to myself?  Am I feeding myself with the words and encouragement needed to keep moving forward, or am I listening to the negative thoughts that build a prison of failure?”

Dana bent down and picked up Dakota (mangled shoelaces and all).  She cradled him like the cherished child he was.  In that warm embrace, she felt her worries lose their sting.  She could do this.  She WOULD do this!

No one is more influential in your life than you are.  Nobody talks to you more than you do.  Most of us have learned it’s best not to move our lips because people will think we’re crazy, but we are in constant dialogue with ourselves.  In those inner discussions, we talk about God, life, others, and ourselves.  The things we say are formative of the things we desire and choose to do.

So, what limiting stories are you telling yourself?  What gospel will you preach today?  By changing those limiting stories, you’ll be able to change your life.  God by His grace has given you His Word so you can preach to yourself when it seems no one else is listening … or cares. 

Heavenly Father, I pray that You would develop in me a deeper and more personal thirst for You with each passing day.  By Your grace, let me preach the “I have all I need in Christ” gospel message every day."  Amen