Friday, September 16, 2022

The Faith to Stand Alone

 “I have great plans for you; to give you hope and a bright future." ~ Jeremiah 29:11

On the 3rd Wednesday in September for 31 years, students across America gather at their school’s flagpole to pray for their friends, teachers, community, and nation.  When school-sponsored prayers in public schools were deemed unconstitutional, this event, called See You at the Pole, emerged.  It’s student-initiated, student-organized, and student-led.

The image below of a teenage boy praying alone at a flagpole went viral a few years ago and quickly captured the nation’s attention.  A high school junior chose to pray in front of his school by himself, in plain view of onlookers and passersby, rather than keep on walking. 

The sight of him standing alone brought grown men to tears and weary women who hadn’t prayed in 30 years back to their faith.  Professed atheists commended him for standing tall as well.

But the backstory is even more compelling.

Hayden had struggled throughout his freshman year; discouraged at failing to make the teams he competed for, seemingly unable to find his place on campus.

His parents considered returning their son to the private school he’d previously attended.  Certain that he’d be over-the-moon-excited, they couldn’t wait to tell him.

Hayden’s response was thoughtful, tentative … and unexpected.  The deeply committed, devout Christian teen simply replied that he “needed to pray about it.”  

Whenever Hayden faced a difficult decision, he went somewhere quiet and listens more than pleads, letting his vulnerabilities ebb and flow.  Then, when he’s ready, he counts his blessings and asks that the Lord show him what direction He has in mind.

Hayden returned with conviction.  He felt strongly that the Lord wasn’t done with him at his current school.  There was still more He wanted him to do there.

Hayden explained that as he stood still at the flagpole, he thought he’d simply pray until others came along.  When he realized no one else was coming, he cried out, “God, as people drive by, let them wonder, let their hearts be pierced.”

He laughed and said, “It’s crazy because it’s like He answered immediately in this big way!”

Since then, Hayden has led multiple students to Christ, is leading a growing Bible study, and is thriving in choir and theater.  Students who are hurting or want to know more about Christ often approach him for prayer or discussion about faith.

When hard times come, it’s not easy to stand absolutely still.  But the quieter we stand the more opportunity we give God to win the fight.  And whenever we stand alone, be it a flagpole or a marriage, a place of work, or a seemingly impossible situation, remember God can do big things.  Perhaps you are praying until someone else shows up or takes notice.  

God sees, He knows, and He does BIG things.

Heaven Father, I come to you in prayer asking for the strength to always stand up for my faith, no matter how big or small the risk might be.  Please send your Holy Spirit to embolden and enlighten me.  Amen