Friday, November 11, 2022

Teeing It Up for Veterans

 “Put on the armor of God, that you may be able to stand firm against all enemies." ~ Ephesians 6:11

Golf is an honorable game. It’s a sport of courtesy, integrity, and respect which aligns perfectly with military service values. What follows is a true story, verified by a number of sources.

He arrived at the course early, hit a bucket of balls, and practiced his skills on the putting green. The starter matched him with three players he’d had never met. Ben Woods rode with his wife in the golf cart.  He had an enormous golf bag with his name stitched on it. It also said: “Wounded War Veteran” in smaller print.

After a few holes, the conversation turned toward his military service. While he declined to discuss his combat experience, he did reveal that he’d spent over a year in an army rehabilitation hospital in San Antonio.  His wife moved there to be with him and he was released only recently.

A pristine set of clubs suggested he was new to golf.  The quiet, humble guy admitted this was his first full round of a sport he hoped to excel at someday. As part of the hospital’s discharge process, Ping provided him with three days of golf instruction, a golf bag, and a new set of custom-fitted clubs.

Ping, a world-class manufacturer of golf equipment, donates about 50 full sets of golf clubs annually for the Wounded Warrior program. They also offer special rebates to members of the military as a “Thank You” for their service.  They have the good judgment not to advertise this.

"We’ve learned over the 50+ years we've been helping disabled veterans, that they need sports and recreation to get their lives back together," said Kirk Bauer of Disabled Sports USA and a Vietnam War amputee.

Whether it be learning the game, working to improve their skills, enjoying a sense of normalcy in their lives, visiting new places and golf courses, or knowing that they can play a physical game even with physical limitations, golf brings a tremendous sense of accomplishment.

For veterans dealing with PTSD, golf can be particularly helpful. The relaxed pace and social nature of the game can help ease anxiety and provide a distraction from intrusive thoughts. Being outside and with good company can also be highly therapeutic.

God bless America and the game of golf!

First celebrated as Armistice Day, November 11th marked the end of World War I (recognized on the “11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month” in 1918). It changed to Veterans Day in 1947 - a time for us to pay our respects to all those who’ve served. For one day, we stand united in respect for you, our heroic veterans.  Thank you all, past and present.

God of Peace, we are ever mindful of the cost paid for the liberty we possess.  We ask You to bless the members of our armed forces. Give them courage, hope, and strength. May they forever experience Your support, love, and healing. Amen