Thursday, July 6, 2023

Michelle, Ma Belle

 “We plan our path but the Lord guides our steps." ~ Proverbs 16:9

When Charles and Serena married, they’d already planned their future. He would finish his engineering degrees in two years, then she would get pregnant. They would name their baby Michael or Michelle. 

Ten years passed and no child came. It was a decade of roller-coaster rides through a false pregnancy, infertility tests, and enviously watching friends and siblings having children. Despite feeling impatient and frustrated, they continued hoping and praying that God would bless them with the child they so desperately wanted.

They’d considered adoption, but worried about finances, long waits, and family acceptance.  After prayerful discernment, the couple attended a class for prospective adoptee parents. Every Monday evening for 10 weeks they took parenting classes. At home, they prepared placed bottles of baby lotion and powder beside bibs and colorful stuffed animals.

Within just a few weeks, they received a call to meet with a five-month-pregnant birth mother. They drove 300 miles and met with the woman twice before she lost contact with the agency altogether. It nearly broke their hearts.

Their next opportunity came 4 months later. They flew to New Orleans and met the birth parents in the hospital the night before mom’s C-section. They were instantly enchanted, cuddling and bonding with the newborn, anxious to return home and begin their new life as a family.

Their spirits shattered again when the birth father declined to sign away custody. Their “first baby” had to be given back.

Despite the unusual challenges of their adoption processes, Serena and Charles managed to stay positive and committed to their adoption journey. That’s not to say they didn’t find it difficult at times but they leaned on each and refused to downgrade their expectations. It would happen - just perhaps not on their own timeline.

Seven months later the caseworker called and told them about an eight-month-old baby girl. She invited them to read her file. “If you like what you read, you’[ meet her foster parents next week,” she said enthusiastically.

Within a week they said “YES!!!”and three days of visitation began. “Her name is Arija Michelle,” her foster mom explained. “But my kids struggled saying Arija so we’ve always called her Michelle.”

After over 11 futile years, it became so very clear why they’d never had success ... that precious little girl with Down’s Syndrome was undoubtedly meant to be their daughter. “She just “fit!” If their love for her had a color … it was the whole rainbow.

Serena looked into her precious daughter’s eyes. The sweet child smiled and reached out her arms. Serena thought her heart would burst with joy. Their Michelle had arrived. After so many years God had indeed sent the baby they wanted.

Heavenly Father, thank you for Michelle, whom You have lovingly and wonderfully created. We submit all our personal expectations and aspirations for her at Your feet and ask for the wisdom to raise her in Your image, and not our own. Amen