Monday, January 22, 2024

The Secret to Success

“Encourage each other and build each other up." ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Eight-year-old Rehan knew first-hand the damaging effects of poverty. After his mother left the family, his Dad did his best to raise their two sons alone. Despite working three jobs at once, he struggled to stay ahead of the bills and put food on the table.

By the 7th grade, Rehan's grades cratered under the multiple insecurities at home. When his teacher suggested placing the boy in Special Ed classes, his father found a tutor to help Rehan. With a little effort and encouragement, he ended up on the Honor Roll.

His home life fractured, Rehan found solace in athletics. He trained vigorously in martial arts and boxing, hoping he could earn enough to lift his family from poverty. Sadly, that dream ended with dual rotator cuff injuries in his senior year.

With no clear path to success, his hope was but a flicker in the wind. He graduated from high school with barely a 2.0 GPA. Every college Rehan applied to rejected his application. So, he took a job alongside his older brother, Reggie, working for a trash and recycling company.

And his life changed forever.

Those of you reading this might view garbage collection as a poor career choice. Rehan, however, credits his time as a sanitation worker for helping him expose his potential. Coworkers, many of whom were ex-cons, strongly encouraged him to get a college education.

When Bowie State offered to take a chance on Rehan, Reggie agreed to help fund his education. Rehan rose at 4:00 each morning to clean garbage bins and collect trash for 3 hours before classes. Eventually, he transferred to the University of Maryland and completed his undergraduate degree with high honors and the distinction of delivering the class’s commencement speech.

Five of the nine law schools he applied to accepted him. He chose Harvard’s Law School and in May 2023, Rehan Staton received his Juris Doctorate during a commencement ceremony at the school’s campus in Cambridge.

Whatever the future holds, he'll never forget where he came from and those who helped him get there. “I got lucky, I happened to be around people who cared about me. I can't tell you how grateful I am for my brother and my Dad.”

The secret to real success is not just found in academic or financial achievement. Success is found when we help lift others out of their difficult situations and into new lives ripe with possibilities. As people of faith, we’ve been called to help one another. When we see the value in the people around us and invest our time and effort into their lives, they will thrive. Didn’t Jesus become man to show us the way?

Help us Father, reveal Your love and grace to everyone who crosses our paths, so that they may come to know You because they saw You in us. Help us be Your hands and feet, Your eyes and ears, and Your loving heart in all we say and do. Amen