Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Dry Spell

 “The Lord will finish the work He began in you." ~ Philippians 1:6

Every morning, Bennett entered his study with a steaming mug of tea and locked the door. Except for answering nature’s call, he’d stay there until he’d written two thousand words. But he’d written his last paragraph nearly a week ago, deleting and retyping it multiple times before erasing the idea altogether.

He stared contemptuously at a blank screen. Try as he might, no words came. Fragmented thoughts bounced inside his brain, but he couldn’t form them into anything coherent.

Bennett had hit a dry spell.

At first, he ignored it. He kept pushing forward, pretending everything was okay. For creative people, burnout is the scourge; both unexpected and stressful.

He’d power-cleaned his office – three times. He waded through previous story ideas. He even tried writing an unrelated short story. Nothing sparked.

Meditation and relaxation techniques were boring - like walking through water instead of air. He could do them, but he’d much rather run and jump.

Bennett decided a mountain might unlock his deeper self.

As he trekked through the golden aspens and jagged cliffs, Jesus’ voice became clear. “Why don’t you live like this, walking with Me and enjoying the suspense of what’s coming next?”

Bennett stopped suddenly. What if he released the yoke and let God fly the plane? If Christ led this adventure, wouldn’t he be able to enjoy the view more? Could the anxiety that’s currently blocking his creativity be unleashed?

Amid the rolling hills and towering peaks, a sense of wonder engulfed him. He prayed. “Lord, teach me to live with anticipation and excitement rather than limit myself to my expectations. Help me see what You’ve planned is greater than anything I could imagine.”

As Bennett finished his six-mile hike, he heard God’s whisper again. “What if you relaxed and let My hand guide your thoughts and words? Together we can write a magnificent story.”

Reenergized, Bennett returned to the keyboard. He began weaving prose as naturally as a bird weaves a nest, rich in emotion, imagery, and metaphor. But this time he let God guide his thinking with a new purpose.

His first novel climbed to the top of the ECPA’s (Evangelical Christian Publishers Association) ‘Best Sellers’ List. He’d go on to write several additional books (with his ‘Ghost’ writer’s help), reigniting his passion for artistic writing.

We all go through phases where we feel like we’re wandering through a spiritual desert. But don’t be discouraged. Christ is still working, and He will finish the work He began in you. He might even use an arid season to teach perseverance.

The Lord is always with you. He loves you, and He will bring about fruit and growth as you remain attached to Him through a desperately dry period. At any given moment God could do something amazing in your life.

Father God, free us from the limits of our plans and expectations. Free our minds to use the skills You’ve given us to serve Your people better. Amen