Sunday, November 6, 2011

Small Things are Possible

“The LORD is constantly watching everyone, and he gives strength to those who faithfully obey him." – 1 Chronicles 16:9

Katrin loved everything about rock climbing – everything!  She loved facing her fear of heights; there's something exhilarating (and terrifying) about hanging out over nothing.  Mountains must be the “stairway to God’s heart.”

She loved the feeling of utter exhaustion after a few hours of climbing, getting into her jeep, and barely having the grip strength to turn the steering wheel.  Even the smooth feeling of chalk excited her.  Climbing was her passion – today was no exception! 

Katrin was concentrating so hard on completing an “inverted campus” (climbing without using her feet) that she didn’t realize she’d somehow lost a contact lens.  Stranded on a dangerous rock ledge, hundreds of feet above the ground, and now unable to see clearly from her right eye.  Luckily she was close to the summit, but this climbing expedition was officially over.  Bummer!

She prayed that the Lord would help her find it . . . and then started laughing hysterically!  Her appeal was silly, bordering on ridiculous, impossible really!

When she got to the top, a friend examined her eye hoping it had worked its way into the corner of her eye.  No such luck!

Enjoying the serenity of her majestic surroundings, 1 Chronicles 16:9 came to mind.  She thought, "Lord, You can see all these mountains.  You know every single crevice, choss, and cornice.  You must know exactly where my contact lens is."

Katrin and her mates eventually walked down the trail to their base camp.  They approached a new party of rock climbers just starting up the face of the cliff.  One of women shouted, "Hey, you guys!  Anybody lose a contact lens?"

No way!  Seriously?

Finding the proverbial contact lens on a mountainside would be amazing enough, wouldn't it?  But do you know why she saw it?  An ant was carrying the lens slowly across the face of the rock.

What does that tell you about the God of our universe?  Is He in charge of the tiniest things?  Do ants matter to Him? Of course they do - He made them.  He designed them.

They may be small, but if we were as strong as ants, we could easily carry an automobile.  Ants repel enemies and use chemical signals to contact each other in case of attack.  Their farming society can be compared to that of human beings.  They don’t harm the environment or use much energy either.  Fabulous creatures!

If God is in charge of the ants, don't you think He cares about you and me?  We could learn a valuable lesson from that ant’s prayer below – just trust God:

“God, I don't know why you want me to carry this load.  I see no good in it and it's awfully heavy.  Still, if you want me to, I'll carry it for You because I love You and You commanded me to do so.  – the Ant