“I thank God every time I think of you! Whenever I mention you in my prayers, it brings me great joy.” - - Philippians 1:3-4
Standing on the deck, Jamey could feel the seawater through his sandals; time to abandon ship. There was no point in pondering the dangers that lay ahead. Three miles offshore, most would not survive. Even if the tide was towing in, their chance of reaching the small island tucked behind the barrier reef was bleak. Even if they got past the jagged corral without being shredded to pieces, the sharks that cruised the reef would finish them off.
It took only seconds for the boat to disappear. Then the moonless night filled with the screams of terror he’d never forget. He shared some floating debris with a woman named Annabelle. They swam with the tide; it took everything they had to keep swimming just to keep warm.

They each prayed for water. When the sun rose, Jamey spotted several large fresh water jugs that had washed ashore on his beach. He drank greedily. Annabelle’s windward shore remained barren.
They each prayed for food. Jamey discovered a fruit-bearing tree nearby. He ate the delicious fruit without hesitation. There was nothing on Annabelle’s side of the island. He prayed for fire for warmth and cooking. Like magic, all of his prayers were answered. Annabelle still had zilch.
Immodestly, Jamey prayed for rescue. Soon a fisherman in a small boat spotted debris along the reef and came ashore looking for survivors. Jamey was euphoric, but decided not to tell his hero about Annabelle – since none of her prayers were answered, she must be unworthy.
As the boat was about cast off, a heavenly Voice boomed! “Why are you leaving your companion behind?”
“My blessings are mine alone since I was the only one who prayed them,” Jamey boasted. “She doesn’t deserve anything.”
“You’re sorely mistaken!” the Voice rebuked. “She prayed the only prayer I answered. If not for her, you’d surely have drowned! She pleaded that all your prayers be answered.”
God wants us to care for each other by sharing His love with everybody, not only in words and actions but also in prayer. Make a list of all the people in your life. Whether good friends, strangers, or enemies, ask God to bless them, give them peace and bring them joy. Your heart will grow stronger and the world will start to change too.
Lord Jesus, for all we know, our blessings are not the fruits of our prayers alone, but those of another praying for us. Remind me that my prayers should be of thanksgiving to You first, for others second, and for me last. Amen