“Man has two great spiritual needs. One is for forgiveness, the other is for goodness.” - - Billy Graham
Brandon’s bicycle wasn’t much to look at. He’d spotted it at a yard sale and convinced his parents he needed it. It helped that it was cheap, rusted, and old. A ripped seat, bald tires, oddly twisted handlebars: it’d been quite some time since anyone rode this bike.

That was, until the bike went missing from its usual place. Running from the front porch, Brandon saw a man loading it into his car. He shouted, but the thief just drove off. Anger came swiftly . . . then sadness - not about the cost, but the emotional loss. That “Pony” carted him to lawn mowing jobs; trysts with his sweet Melanie; to the quick-shop, the sand dunes, the pool, tennis lessons, and his secret hideout.
He certainly couldn’t afford a new one at the moment, but someday he will. Brandon had great faith for a boy his age, heck - for a man of any age. He forgave the thief and wanted him to know he was forgiven. So he wrote a message on a large poster-board, stapled it to a sawhorse and placed it in the front yard.
To the guy who stole my bike: you really hurt my feelings! But I’m a Christian and I FORGIVE you beause (sic) Jesus forgave me!!''
When Brandon left for school the next day, the sign was face-down in the yard. ‘Steel Pony’ had returned - with brand new tires, handlebars and racing pedals. Was is theft . . . or kindness? Had ‘Pony’s’ makeover been planned, or an apologetic response? Does it really matter!
Lord, may Your love for me enrich my love for others. Help me love those I find hardest to love – the ones I dismiss, judge, or do anything but love. Forgive me for failing to act toward them with Christ-like love. Amen