Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Last, First Date

“Love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins."  ~ 1 Peter 4:8
Kathryn woke filled with energy.  She jumped off her bed smiling and singing.  Today wasn’t like any other; he called last night.  They talked into the wee hours, until he summoned the courage to ask her out on a date.  Today would be amazing!
At 28, Jack’s mood seemed strangely unfamiliar – like at the end of a dream - you're falling, but know you won’t get hurt.  Even so, fear rushed his senses like a sand storm.  How would he handle periods of awkward silence?   Should he dress casual or more formal?  Would she prefer flowers or chocolates?  When did dating become so complicated, he thought to himself? 
Kathryn left work a little early to get ready.  “I’m deliriously happy!” she told herself as she got dressed.  Blond hair pulled back off her forehead projected a slightly ‘sassy' look.  A black dress simply cut and not too short made her look like a fashion model.  Hair perfect; make-up just right.   Kathryn considered texting him but decided against it and kept the excitement for herself.
Jack literally ran out of his office, rushing to his destination.  It should have been a fifteen minute walk.  He made it in nine.  Along the way, he’d smiled at everybody – the street beggar, the souvenir seller, even the patrolman handing out parking tickets.  He felt like a teenager again.
Kathryn waited in the restaurant’s doorway as he arrived short of breath.  She looked beautiful - just the way he remembered her when they separated two years ago after only a few short years of marriage. 
Her smile immediately produced fleshy goose bumps.  Jack greeted her with a warm embrace that said “You’re gorgeous!”  Kathryn’s heart fluttered like butterfly wings.   
They dined and chatted for almost four hours.  Despite the melodic roar of voices all around them, they seemed completely alone in their own cocoon.  Catching up . . . making up.
Before they parted company, Kathryn handed Jack a large envelope with nearly two dozen love letters she’d written him over the past 2 years.  A note on the front read, “Letters I was too stubborn to send you.”  His kiss assured her that he’d call again – soon!
Walking away, Jack chuckled to himself.  Pastor Bob had tried to talk them out of marrying each other years before.  He suggested that their selfishness would be a huge challenge to a happy marriage.  Pastor was right, but they were in love and married anyway.  
Tonight fate had given them another chance.  They are both still too stubborn to ever give up on each other, and too selfish to ever let their love for each other slip away.  A second chance at their first loves!
Sweet Jesus, You were the ultimate example of commitment - selflessly loving all humanity with a deep, unconditional love that eventually lead to Your death.  Help me bury my foolish pride and love as You do.  Amen