“Your Word is a guiding light for my life’s path.” ~ Psalm 119:105
It’d been a long week, an even
longer flight. Frequent airsickness,
insomnia, and a twinge of claustrophobia made travel for her, highly
unpleasant. Cramped seats, lousy food
and cranky service completed her disdain for flying.
That’s why when the Captain announced that they were
expecting a ‘little’ turbulence, her anxiety soared. And as she glanced around the aircraft, it
became obvious that she wasn’t alone - others too were becoming uneasy at the
approaching weather conditions. Then all
hell broke loose!
The ominous thunder cracks were audible even above the jet
engine roar. Lightening lit up the
darkening skies and immediately the jetliner began bobbing like a cork on a
celestial ocean. One moment the airplane
rose on enormous air currents; the next, it dropped as if it were about to
crash, wingtips pitching like flyswatters.
Reality sunk in.
She reasoned it’d be quick and painless. “Had she been a good mother? What about David, her husband? The last memory he’ll have is the pointless quarrel
they’d had the night 5 days ago. They
were the only thoughts that crossed her mind in those few intense seconds.
Scanning the cabin, the future seemed unforgiving; nearly
all the passengers were alarmed. Some
were praying. A few wept softly. One small girl, perfectly calm, read a book:
the storm meant nothing to her.
Everything within her world seemed trouble-free. As the merciless storm pounded the plane,
when it lurched this way and that, as it rose and fell with frightening brutality,
when all the adults were scared to death, that amazing child sat poised and completely
Cynthia couldn’t believe her eyes.
Eventually the storm subsided. As her adrenaline started to burn off, she
gazed out the window at nothing but the blue waters of the Pacific Ocean and an
even bluer sky. Cynthia approached the little
girl whose courage she’d admired and asked why she hadn’t been scared.
The sweet child replied simply, “My Daddy’s the pilot and
he’s taking me home.”
Her father was in charge, controlling the trajectory, making
sure she was homeward bound. Is God at
the ‘stick’ in your life or is He merely the co-pilot? Is life about you, or is it about Him? Are you a member of your church, or a
Disciple of His? Are you preparing for a
heavenly destination?
The answers lie within the still, small voice of God . . .
awakening our souls to a spiritual journey, and yes, letting God be the Pilot-In-Command.
Lord, I wanna live in Your peace, even when the storm winds blow. If you have a plan for my life, You must’ve
given me the tools, the passion and the life experiences to make it happen. So God, what do You call me to do?