Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Chaos of Maturity

“Don’t worry about tomorrow.  God will provide all that you need." ~ Matthew 6:33-34
Fight the traffic, prepare dinner, pay the bills - Amanda had more to do in life than there were hours left to do them.  Her financial situation weighed heavily on her mind.  She’d recently lost her job and money was tight.  The load of it all threatened to crush her.
She tried to fall asleep, but sleep just wouldn’t come.  And when it did, it came in the form of unsettling dreams.  In one, she had to rescue the infant she’d locked inside a hot vehicle.  In tonight’s nightmare, she’d inadvertently let the baby slip under water as she bathed him.
Amanda got up and tiptoed to the edge of the nursery where sweet Baby Colby slept.  The innocent child didn’t feel any of the pressure she did.  He didn’t know what tomorrow held - he just knew his Mommy would take care of him.
Amanda laughed as she tried to picture how worried Baby Colby would be if he realized that he couldn’t possibly get all that he needed for himself.  Babies can’t dress themselves or fix their own breakfast.  They have no worries.
They’re never bothered by the troubles around them . . . except for hunger occasionally.  No matter the situation, he knows his Mommy will always find a way to provide for him.  He doesn’t need to understand how – it’s enough to know his Mommy would do anything to keep him warm, safe and healthy.
Parents worry themselves to death on how to provide for the family while the children are busy naming the plethora of gifts they want for Christmas.  Babies are the most content human beings on the planet.  Even in countries experiencing savage war and vicious crime, infants like Colby rely on their parents to censor the brutality.
Amanda reached down and scooped her precious baby from the crib, cuddling him in a loving embrace.  Babies are God’s blessing on this earth, she thought.  It’s the craziest thing that something so small, so helpless, so dependent could become the sunshine that brightens your entire life; the reason that makes your life meaningful.
Oh to be a child again – to dance with delight, free from worries, knowing that we’re protected from evil and pain!
And as she looked deeply into young Colby’s adoring eyes, her ‘train’ of thought took a thoughtful detour.  Didn’t she have a Heavenly Father caring for her too?  A smile suddenly brightened her spirit, and the day’s stress escaped from her body.   She could curl up and rest, even without answers, just like Baby Colby, confident that her Almighty Father had everything under control.
Heavenly Father, You invite me to turn my worry over to You and You will settle my restless mind with Your peace.  Instead of worrying, help me to replace my thoughts with what I know is true: You love me; You have a plan for my future; You will supply all our needs.  Thank you!  Amen