Monday, October 20, 2014

The Hole Truth

“We trust in the God who always works things out for our good." ~ Romans 8:28
Toby’s forehead was covered in sweat as the sun beat down on him and his little brother Zeke. They were already exhausted and they’d only been digging for less than an hour.  He stretched his arms and yawned.  “This dirt’s tougher than I thought,” he said to no one in particular.
Sweat pants drooping sloppily around his hips, Zeke yanked them up before sitting down and grabbing a juice box.  “You think we’ll ever get there,” he questioned.  “To the other side of the world, I mean?
Sitting on the edge of the slight dent, (he couldn’t really call it a hole yet), Toby checked his watch.  His back was already sore from all the digging but he knew it’d be worth it.  “We’ll get there,” he asserted.  “We just need to keep at it.”
As they continued working, two older teens approached and asked what they were up to.
“We plan to dig a hole all the way through the earth!" Zeke volunteered.
“That’s impossible,” the older boy laughed.  “Heated by friction and the decay of radioactive material, the earth’s core still sheds heat from its initial formation 4.5 billion years ago,” said the somewhat egotistical science nerd.  “The planet’s center is blisteringly hot.”
Not to be dissuaded, Toby didn’t look up.  He stopped before plunging the shovel into the fresh soil again.  A fat, brown earthworm cracked his way into the air, twitching in the strong afternoon sunlight.   Toby reached down and gently placed the worm in a nearby jar.
The older girl pushed her glasses up, magnifying chocolate-colored eyes, before she spoke.  “Besides, the diameter of the earth is roughly 12,750 kilometers,” she added condescendingly.  “That’s almost 7,000 miles for you metrically-challenged children.”
After a long silence, Toby reached again for the jar full of spiders, worms and a wide assortment of insects.  He removed the lid and showed its magnificent contents to the scoffing visitors.
Then he said self-assuredly, "Even if we don't dig all the way through the earth, look what we found along the way!"
Sure, their goal was far too ambitious, but it did cause them to act.  And that’s what a goal is for - to cause us to move in the direction we’ve chosen.  In other words, to dig in!
Not every goal will be achieved.  Not every hope will come to pass.  Not every job will end successfully.  Not every love will last.  Not every dream will be realized.
But when you fall short of your aim, perhaps you can say, "Yes, but look at what I found along the way!  Look at the wonderful things which came into my life because I tried!”
Lord Jesus, every frustration reminds us that this is not our home.  We long for a better life, where there are no more tears, disappointments, sorrows or suffering.  A life that You faithfully promised us when we believe in You.  Count me in!  Amen