Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Final Exam

“My grace is all you need.” ~ 2 Corinthians 12:9
Energy drinks, snacks?  Check.   Textbooks, notes, highlighters?  Double Check!
It was her second all-nighter this week.  Sara hated taking tests.  She was way smarter than the grades she got.  Tomorrow’s exam on “Theological Issues” left her clueless.  She wouldn’t know the answers; she probably wouldn’t even understand the questions.  But Sara trudged on.
The loud banging at her door woke her abruptly.  Sara checked her phone.  Damn!  She’d missed several calls from a friend who’d called rightly fearing Sara had fallen asleep. 
She threw on some clothes, grabbed a pencil off her desk, and scrambled out the door.
As she scurried past Memorial Hall, she stepped wrong, sprained her ankle and fell in the crosswalk.  At the same moment, a city bus drove by adding to her embarrassment by having about 15 people watch Sara fall flat on her face.  Sara rose quickly, brushed herself off and limped to Avery Hall as fast as she could.  She arrived just as Monsignor was handing out the exam. 
“Leave them face down on the desk until everyone has one and I’ll tell you when to start,” he instructed.
When Sara turned it over, every answer on the test was filled in! The bottom of the last page said the following:
“This completes your Final Exam.  All these answers are correct; you’ll receive an ‘A’ on this test. The reason you passed the test is because the test’s creator took it for you.  All your prep work didn’t help - you have just experienced . . . GrAce.”
Monsignor went around the room and asked each divinity student individually, “Do you deserve the grade you are receiving?  How much did all your studying help you achieve your final grade?”
Not usually prone to crying, Sara fought back tears imagining how the Creator has passed the test for her.  Only through Jesus Christ are we offered grace, a free gift.  All and every success we have is not ours, but rather a result of God's grace at work in us.
Monsignor said he’d never done this kind of final exam before and probably would never do it again.  But because of the content of many of the class discussions, he felt like they needed to experience grace to understand it.
God’s grace is amazing!  As the undeserved, unearned favor from God, grace can never be earned by our good deeds or received as a result of religious performance.  Grace means God freely and openly receives us sinners - even you with all our flaws and hang-ups.  His grace transforms an ugly, awkward, incomplete caterpillar into a graceful butterfly that can soar into life abundant. That’s His desire for each of us.
God of Love, thank You for the many, many blessings we enjoy this day: the air we breathe, the fresh water to quench our thirst, the beauty of this world where we live.  Help us to live a life of cheerfulness and have faith in all that is good.  Amen