Sunday, February 8, 2015

Cardinals' Message

“His angels will protect you wherever you go." ~ Psalm 91:11
For weeks after Ginger’s passing, time stood still.  She couldn't remove the pad where her sweet dog had slept.  She had trouble sleeping because it hurt so badly.  Ginger wasn’t just their pet; the beloved Cockapoo had earned her rightful spot as a member of the family.  A devoted companion, a snuggly fur ball, a source of unconditional love.
Her life had been forever blessed; graced by indescribable love.  After nearly two months, it seemed the pain would never end.
And so it was this wintery day that Hannah found herself wondering again what she had ever done to deserve such a precious gift?  She reread the handwritten note from the veterinarian, thanking them for letting him help Ginger end her suffering.  It helped.  It takes a very special person to tell you when it’s time, she thought.
Hannah had no idea that Ginger wouldn't be coming home with them that day.  It was like a living nightmare driving home without her.  A sudden pang of guilt crept into the pit of her stomach.  Had Ginger suffered for too long because they couldn’t let go?
The house seemed all-too-quiet now, too clean, too empty.  She stared again at the portrait of Ginger hanging on the family room wall – a Father’s day gift for her husband.  It hurt.
Gazing above her steaming coffee mug, the backyard looked like an unfinished painting.  So much of the canvas was still perfectly white, as if waiting for the artist's brush to return. The sky was clear - an infinite blue palette.  It seemed odd to think that the grass was still down there, surviving as best it could until the spring melt.
Her focus shifted to the floor by the sliding glass door – the spot where Ginger had once sat (and most recently just laid), watching the birds.  They had enjoyed the kind of kinship that animals share.
Sudden movement caught her eye.  Outside, a cardinal landed on a willow tree branch, piercing the air with a shrill whistle.  Its aria snapped Hannah to attention.  Then there were two, three . . .  ultimately six redbirds.  She’d not seen cardinals in their backyard before.
The bevy of cardinals appeared just like her dear Ginger: beautiful, familiar and comforting.  They arrived when she needed them most.  Their visit told Hannah that everything was going to be okay, that Ginger was home and pain free.
God sends His messengers in many forms.  Christians believe in Angels.  Cherokee Indians believe spirits appear in the form of red birds.  Regardless of the form, they are always something special to that individual, so they may understand and sense the never ending depth of His Love.
Creator God, thank you for having entrusted us with our faithful Ginger; for letting her teach us selfless love.  Thank you for the memories that will brighten our days for the rest of our lives.  Gratefully, we return her now to You.  Amen.