(A letter from God)
“Be still and know that I am God." ~ Psalm 46:10
My beloved children:
Technology has flourished. It’s crushed the traditional communication barriers
between cultures, countries, and religions. Gone are the days of hieroglyphics, telegrams,
and phone booths. Yet, in the midst of
all the digital gadgets at your finger-tips, you still seem so lonely.
In My day, people would come from miles away to visit family
or friends. It became a celebration
filled with hope and joy - cherished memories captured in journals and later in
Now, you send pictures over the web and skype with loved
ones from far-way places. You hold
virtual meetings and sign documents digitally – all in the name of technology. There’s literally no F2F time. You’re growing more out of touch with each
other every day.

But smart phones can’t convey a person’s spirit. The most it can do is show a snapshot or
record a word. Real friendships are
built when people are side-by-side, speaking and interacting together. It’s the same with Me.
I don’t send ‘Friend
Requests.’ My love is yours for the
asking. I know everything about
you. I adore you and want you to know Me
intimately. I want others to experience
the deep love that we share by example.
You seek instant gratification, and get irritated if someone
doesn’t respond immediately to your texts or tweets. You sleep with your phone on our pillow or
right next to the bed, just in case someone needs an immediate reply.
Your relationships are influenced by technology, but its
standards don’t apply to Me. You want to
say a ten second prayer . . . and expect an answer back in five. I don’t send email, instant or text
I hold time in My hands.
I want you to trust me — not be entertained by Me. Sometimes an immediate response is not best
for you. I want time – the real kind
of time that makes you come face-to-face with Me. And if you don’t hear My response, it
may be because you either got out of the habit of listening or because you
chose to ignore Me.
Take a break from your computers and Smart phones. Go back to some basics. Listen to each other – even the boring
parts. Because it's when you stumble or
lose your words that you reveal your true selves to each other. Humanity created technology to make things
easier – but true relationships require time
. . . and energy.”
“Do you know that if I were with you in physical
form I’d take you in my arms and tell you how precious and beautiful you are to
Me? I’d tell you how deeply I love you. Be still and talk to Me! Love always, God.”