Sunday, February 25, 2018

Lion Lore

“God's not dead … He's living on the inside, roaring like a lion!" ~ Newsboys
He hesitated at the edge of the shade and roared - nothing like human speech or bird song, but sound that came from deep within his body and projected with such force that it could be heard for miles.  His Majesty, the 'King’ was calling his pride.
The lion has always seemed like the most confident animal in the zoo, standing there all regal-looking, smugly bearing his royal crown.  He eats when he wants, sleeps as much as he wants, and paces where he wants.
Strategically located just inside the main gate, he has it all; the undisputed King.  But lions are neither the most rapid and agile, or even the smartest.  Nor are they the strongest or the fastest.
So where does his confidence come from?  Or does he just appear confident?  Does he have those days when he wishes he could be sleek like the cheetah?  Or maybe taller like the giraffes?  Or more entertaining like the monkeys?
I’m certainly no lion!
There are days when it seems like getting all the pieces to fit seems overwhelming; so draining that I’m brought to my knees in desperation.
There are days when I feel fairly competent as a parent.  Then we’ll have one of “thOse” days when the bickering and whining are incessant; days filled with too much yelling and plenty of doubt.
There are days when I feel like I’m relatively fit, exercising daily and watching what I eat.  But then there are “th0se” days when I see photos of celebrities with rock-hard abs.  What was left of my confidence deflates like a popped balloon.
There are days when I feel like I am making progress professionally.  And then there are “thOse” days when a client complains about progress on a project, or chooses to follow another path entirely.  How do others do it?
Consider the lion - he doesn't even have to roar - there’s power in silence and persistence.  It’s like he doesn’t have to prove that he’s a threat – everyone already knows what he’s capable of.
Jesus was the complete lion ... who was, is and always will be.  He moved with intention, with purpose, with clarity, to save us - and the world.
And now, He’s passed the baton to each of us.  But I’m not perfect.  Maybe we’re all just trying to be the best that we can be.  His Word is filled with promises of strength and courage when we place our confidence in Him.  It’s in those moments of surrender that we see just how faithful our God is and we feel His overwhelming love and strength fill our souls.
God Almighty, help me seek and hear You with the brute force of a lion.  Show me how to care for others uncondi-tionally by wearing Your example on my sleeve.  And give me the confidence to shout what I believe like lyrics at a rock concert.  Amen