Wednesday, February 28, 2018


"To treat people well is to honor their souls; to love your neighbor." ~ St. Thomas Moore
In 1919, Lewis Lawes moved his wife and 3 small children into the warden's mansion at Sing Sing prison.  They shared the yard with over 1,000 of the most dangerous men in the world - murderers, rapists, and thieves who the Lawes alone believed capable of redemption.
At the time, Sing Sing had the reputation of being unmanageable.  Nine wardens had served in the previous eight years.  One lasted only 16 days.  "The easiest way to get out of Sing Sing," Lewis once joked, "is to go in as warden."
Physical conditions at the facility were atrocious; questionable business practices had decimated the budget; corruption was rampant; and inmates seemed to run the penitentiary.
In his 21 year tenure, Lewis instituted numerous creative reforms.  By his own admission however, much of his success was due to his wife Catherine.
She believed passionately that prisoners were human beings, worthy of attention and respect.  She regularly visited with prisoners in the depths of despair and recognized that even the most troubled convicts could be inspired by demonstrating trust in their ability to handle responsibilities.  For example, she allowed a hardened kidnapper to care for her children.
Catherine saw them less as prisoners and more as individuals.  She taught them, encouraged them, and even ran errands for them.  Mostly she cared for them as her own.
As a result, the ‘boys’ cared deeply about her too.  Many said that Catherine was the body of Jesus that came alive again at Sing Sing in 1919.
The prisoners became alarmed when Lewis didn’t report to work in the fall of 1937.  Rumors spread quickly that Catherine had been killed in a car accident.  The following day her body laid in repose for public viewing, 3/4 of a mile from the prison.
As the acting warden took his early morning walk, he noticed a large gathering at the main gate. Nearly every prisoner pressed against the fence, eyes awash with tears, faces solemn; no one spoke or moved.  They’d come to stand as close as they could to the woman who’d loved them.
The warden made a remarkable decision.  "All right, men, you can go.  Just be sure to check in tonight."
Sing Sing’s south gate slowly swung open.  Hundreds of men, convicted of every crime imaginable, slowly emerged from the prison without escort to pay their final respects.
Every single inmate returned that night.
No one tried to escape out of respect for Catherine - the woman who walked daily into Hell to show them a piece of Heaven.  Her gentle spirit transformed many hardened souls in that prison, demonstrating that tenderness is powerful, strong, vigorous, dynamic, and life changing.
Merciful Lord, come to the aid of all those in prison and grant them Your peace in the midst of this difficult time in their lives.  Grant that this trial may bring them closer to You, our rock and our refuge, our comfort and our hope.  Amen