Monday, August 26, 2019

All Tangled Up

“Let’s work for the benefit of all every time we get the chance." ~ Galatians 6:10
When the school bus bounced over a pothole, the Scotch tape that held Aubrey’s glasses together broke apart.  She could try fixing them after school; maybe with glue this time.
As always, she got off the bus last and rushed into the classroom.  She quickly took off her jacket and rolled her frayed sweater sleeves back to the elbows.  At least that way no-one could see that they looked like a rat had been chewing on them.
Her hair was as wild as the jungle, untamable and unruly.  It tumbled like beached kelp after a storm; so knotted and tangled that it might be easier to shave it off and start over.
Mrs. Boyd, the kindergarten teacher, noticed her hair also.  It’d been getting progressively worse for several weeks now.  So she pulled a brush from her purse.
“Aubrey would you like me to brush your hair?” she asked.  “My daughter has long hair, so I have lots of practice getting tangles out and I know how to be gentle.”
“OK,” replied the self-conscious little girl.
While the rest of the children amused themselves, Mrs. Boyd worked until every last tangle had disappeared; soft and smooth as an infant’s.  While she worked, Aubrey had sat patiently without making a sound.
When finished, the sweet child gave her teacher a grateful hug.  In Mrs. Boyd’s arms she felt safe.  Her worries disappeared like rain on summer earth.
"Thank you Mrs. Boyd,” she said.  “My Mom’s sick and can't brush my hair anymore.  I’m happy you did it.  Someday I want to be a teacher just like you!”
Mrs. Boyd’s tears came unexpectedly.  One never knows the challenges others face.  Yet despite her struggles, Aubrey remained happy, cheerful and thankful.  What a precious baby!
Mrs. Boyd had seldom felt that kind of love for another soul.  For those fleeting moments – she felt a slice God’s unconditional love.   It was as if He’d overtaken her heart; like someone renting a room and making Himself at home for a short time.  The emotions were so strong and so pure that she knew they had to be God's own.
Only God knows how often He allows us to be part of such a divine moment completely unaware of its significance.  It was a ‘God Moment’ she’d never forget.
Whether or not our dreams come true isn't as important as how we live each day God gives us.  A hug shared today can never be replaced.  An act of kindness not given is lost forever.  An act of love missed can never be made up again.  Every second is precious and priceless.
Don't waste them.  Embrace them ... with a heart full of love, a soul full of joy, and a life full of kindness.
Heavenly Father, help me grow in grace and live my life as You would have me live - in spirit and in truth.  Help me to be kind, compassionate, and gracious towards my brothers and sisters in Christ.  Amen