Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Baby Prays for Babies

“Let the children come to Me and do not hinder them.” ~ Matthew 19:14
As the room began to fill with children, loud voices and exuberance filled the space.  It took a couple of ‘reminders’ for them to quiet down before their morning snack.
But asking 3-year-old Makhi to sit would be like trying to tell a sparkler not to sizzle.  His eyes were alight; every muscle needed to move.  There’s something so intoxicating about an excited child; for every idea escaping his mouth there are usually seven more queuing up in his mind.
Makhi, in his school uniform - a red polo and black pants – was about to light up the room during his birthday celebration.  He stood confidently beside the table with his hands clasped reverently and his eyes shut tightly.  And as he spoke, adults marveled that, except for a few hushed whispers, the preschoolers listened intently.
He began, “Father God, we thank You for this food.  We ask You to bless it.  Make it nourishment to our bodies.”  While the sweet boy prayed, he paused frequently so that the teachers and fellow classmates could repeat his blessing.
He went on to say, “Bless all the boys and girls all over the world to receive food.”
As you might expect, the video was posted on social media and immediately went viral, even though the left and the Freedom from Religion Foundation probably didn't like it.
They say you can't bottle love but they're wrong.  Makhi is proof!  The devotion in his facial expression was so poignant; he clearly had put his whole heart into thanking the Lord.  And you can’t help but shout “Amen” with him as he finished his prayer.
It’s a joy to hear children speak to God.  They know they can talk to Him about anything; the words don’t really matter too much.
Jesus clearly advised His disciples that no one was to hinder children from seeking Him!  He values our little ones!  He loves and truly enjoys their affection!
They seem to have a direct connection to heaven.  Their earnest prayers demonstrate confidence in a Father whose tender reach extends to every corner of their world.  Their wholehearted expressions of love for others reflect a joy that can come only from God.  They believe without doubt, trust without reservation, live without reluctance, sleep without worry, laugh without restraint, and explore without fear.  When children pray, God seems to move more powerfully.
Their unobstructed confidence has a direct bearing on how God views their petitions.  No deep theology to boggle the mind, they just accept that He is there and that He is God!  And their faith reveals the simple trust many adults long to recapture in their own relationship with God.
“Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world.  Red, brown, yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight.   Jesus loves the little children of the world.”   (George Frederick Root – 1864)