“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, persistent in
prayer." ~ Romans 12:12
From nowhere came the sound of an
old-fashioned telephone, so authentic that Cooper scanned the Pizza Hut for an
antique, something that wouldn't look out of place in an old movie. Glancing at a man wearing a puzzled
expression, the old cell phone was easy to spot.
It wasn't wafer thin like the popular models, but probably a
mid-90’s Motorola clamshell device he’d only seen in pictures. Sensing his stare, the old man looked
“Young man, are you any good with cell phones,” he asked
somewhat embarrassed. “I’m trying to
open a picture message that my granddaughter just sent.”
Cooper approached him for a closer look. “I’m afraid your phone doesn’t have ability
to view photos,” he said holding back a chuckle that his mind enjoyed.
The man’s shoulders slumped exposing the sort of broken
heartedness akin to ice-cream melting on a steamy highway. He explained that the photo was of his
granddaughter and her new baby. She
lived far enough away that he’d likely not see the child in person any time
soon … if ever.

Now the sadness shifted to Cooper’s eyes. “Mind if I try something,” he asked. With some difficulty and a few earnest
prayers, he was able to forward the message to his own phone and eventually
managed to open the picture.
At seeing great granddaughter for the first time, Elmer’s
smile extended from his eyes deep into his soul. Cooper could see his love for them both through
teary eyes.
“I never realized the true meaning of joy,” the old man
opined, “until our first child was born and I held her in my arms. she learned to walk, went through school, got
married, and had children of her own, my understanding of joy amplified
He offered Cooper a $20 bill for his effort before returning
to his booth. Cooper refused the gesture
but Elmer insisted. So, he stashed the
bill in his shirt pocket and left the restaurant.
Cooper returned several minutes later after printing the
photo at a nearby Walgreens and placing it in an inexpensive frame. Elmer was just cashing out when he handed him
the framed photo.
This author’s words are powerless to adequately express Elmer’s
gratitude. Let’s just say he could
hardly contain his happiness.
Every small thing in life is a moment able to nourish the
soul if we let joy in. Live with awe,
humbleness, present in each moment and the gifts of life will fill you to the
brim, so much that your joy will overflow and make better the lives of all
around you.
Joyful Spirit, I pray that You fill me with the
joy of the Lord, that overwhelming joy. Your
joy is unlike anything this world has to offer. It brings peace, trust and hope and with that
a rest because I know You’re in control.