“If you want to
follow Jesus, deny yourself, take up His cross, and follow Him." ~ Matthew
Eva set her basket of flowers down
in the alley and wiped her hands on her tattered skirt. Blisters scarred her feet from secondhand
boots and her back ached from walking.
She hadn't sold many flowers today, but she wasn’t discouraged.
The young girl noticed a well-dressed man approaching. Hiding her basket behind a barrel, Eva
smeared soot on her face and stepped out in front of the gentleman.
"Please, sir.
Can you help me?" she wept.
"What is it?" he asked, trying to see her face beneath
her bonnet. Eva kept her head down, her
shoulders trembling as she cried.
"Someone stole my
flowers!" she sobbed. "I won't
have any money to take home to my family!"
Feeling sorry for this poor girl, the man reached into his
pocket for some loose coins.
At this, Eva could no longer contain herself. She laughed out loud, startling the confused
"Don't you recognize me?" she giggled. "Have I fooled my own father?"

William Booth smiled at the memory as he watched Eva
go. Such spunk and passion! Just like her mother! What a joy to see their children joining in
William and Catherine Booth abandoned the conventional
concept of a church and a pulpit, instead taking their message to the
‘unsaved’. They opened soup kitchens,
helped those addicted to alcohol, and cared for the needs of society's
outcasts. Most importantly, they were
leading people to Christ!
Still, they had their share of opposition, from angry pub
owners to established church leaders to school bullies. Their ministry was very much like a
battlefield at times. Despite sometimes
violent opposition, their circus tent ministry quickly grew into a huge
They began using military terms to describe their
activities. Their newsletter told about
a new "battery of artillery" and a developing
"regiment." They soon began
wearing uniforms with badges and calling their volunteers an
"army." Converts became
soldiers of Christ and were known then, as now, as Salvationists. Eventually they became known as the
"Salvation Army," a group that’s still active today.
Established in 1865, the Salvation Army still helps needy
people today through Christmas kettles, thrift stores and sharing God's love
around the world in 80 countries - all because William and Catherine Booth
loved the unlovable, just as Jesus did!
Lord, strengthen my heart for what lies ahead
today. Make me eager to lend my hands to
all who are in need. Help me to relieve
their pain, and may they soon be freed. Hear
my prayers and raise me up to closer with You be. (original Salvation Army Prayer)