Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Let Time Go Lightly

“Young people, make the most of your youth; follow the impulses of your heart." ~ Ecclesiastes 11:9
Floating, tumbling, soaring … through a crystal blue sky, images of Emily’s childhood flashed past her like a time-traveling machine in reverse.  Here’s where she can relive those memories again as if they’ve just happened.
Innocence.  Love.  Happiness.  Everything new; nothing boring or repetitive.
There she is, sitting on Mommy’s lap, alongside the old fireplace they once enjoyed.  Emily’s path was lit by new beginnings; worlds that she’d yet to experience.  As years ticked by, memories were born, but the best were still of her youth.
There she is at three (or as she said “fwee”).  With tanned legs curled under her, dusted with sand like flour on bread, she sits close to the lapping waves building a sandcastle on the beach.
Time flew by as those baby soft hands changed into stronger ones.  She’s now on the back-porch building a home of Lincoln Logs; dreaming of her future masterwork, complete with a puppy room, milkshake maker, and a popcorn machine.
Later, the pig-tailed child with hands bearing the quest for travel, is riding her bike around the block with Scott, her beagle in tow.  She always made the most of the extra hours of June solstice.
Moving on, her long, thin fingers, are suddenly beaded with sweat, as she tensely grasps the pen she holds while taking her first school exam.  Days later she closes her eyes, savoring the moment, but never releasing her grip on the excellent test result.
Years later, newly-manicured fingers firmly clutch the car’s steering wheel.  She relishes the roaring winds whistling through her long blond hair.
Suddenly she woke, every thought in high definition, feeling a bump as someone gently tried getting her attention.  The dreamlike feelings she’d experienced earlier were replaced by the sweet, angelic voice that had been placed on her chest.  Looking at the cherubic face of her newborn daughter, she realized that, God had given her a second chance to relive her childhood again!
How time flies, she thought.  We all enter this life with a set of dreams, hopes and aspirations.  We’re eager to grow up to achieve these dreams and take on the world.  But maybe sometimes in our haste, we forget to enjoy the journey.  We can get so caught up in achieving our goals, we fail to recognize how quickly time moves on.
Perhaps childhood is one of the best examples of doing what we love and doing what makes us smile from within.  It’s those joyful memories that sustain us, that carry us through the challenging times and remind us that our loving is important and worthwhile.
So, go lightly down your chosen path and remember to sing out loud.
Loving God, we move so fast and sometimes see so little in our daily travels.  Create in us a desire to pause and pursue moments of introspection.  Help us to see in a deeper way, to become more aware of what speaks to us in beauty and truth.  Amen