Sunday, August 9, 2020

No Limits

“(His blindness) happened so the power of God could be seen in him." ~ John 9:3
Children can be cruel.  Most of us have all experienced bullying or teasing at some point in our lives, especially as kids.  Nick knew this all too well.
Born with a rare disorder that prevented his limbs from developing except for a tiny foot with two toes, one of which he calls his "chicken drumstick.”  Throughout his childhood, he not only dealt with the typical challenges of school and adolescence, but also with depression and loneliness.  Kids would often stare at and tease him to the point that anger and bitterness took root in his heart.
At the age of ten, Nick’s bouts with despair and isolation became overwhelming.  Given his age and physical limitations, his suicide options were limited, though he tried in vain to drown himself while bathing a few times.
He credits the victory over his struggles, as well as his strength and passion for life, to his faith in God and love of family.  A key turning point in his faith came when his mother shared a newspaper article about a man dealing with a severe disability.
Nick realized he wasn't unique in his struggles and began giving stirring talks to his prayer group.  Nick realized his disability could inspire others and began embrace his challenges.
Nick gradually adapted to life without limbs, eventually learning to use a computer; typing up to 45 WPM using the "heel and drumstick" method.  He also swims, golfs and surfs.
He created online motivational videos and took every speaking engagement he could find, most of which were unpaid.  His goal was to gain experience and hone his speaking skills.
While in college, his videos caught the attention of John Pingo, who had an active Christian ministry in South Africa.  Despite having never met the man, Nick accepted an invitation to a two-week speaking tour of churches, schools, orphanages and prisons.
During one of his Q&A sessions, a little boy with no arms and missing half a leg, asked Nic how he’d overcome bullying.  Nick invited him on stage.  In front of hundreds of people the boy sobbed.  While Nick did his best to encourage and pray over the boy, the experience inspired him even more.
By the end of the speaking tour they had given away his entire life savings … and perfected his motivational speaking skills.  The boy who’d questioned the purpose of life, or if he even had a purpose, now had a BIGGER one!
After returning home, Nick Vujucic poured even more passion into his work, founding Life Without Limbs, an international non-profit organization and ministry.  Later he started Attitude is Altitude, a secular motivational speaking company.  He credits is family's love, his faith in God, and his positive attitude for his success.
Nick married Kanae Miyahara in 2012.  The couple has four children.
“Lord, please give me arms and legs.  But if You don't, I still trust You and want Your plans for me, even when I don’t understand them.  Amen (Nick’s childhood prayer)