Sunday, May 9, 2021

For All the Moms

 “His mother treasured all these things in her heart." ~ Luke 2:51

This past year has been challenging at best!  But like all the Moms before you - you forged ahead, persevered, and made it work.  Because as a Mom, there’s no finer choice; no back-up plan.  Cheers to you on this your special day!

Here’s to the Moms whose hearts grow exponentially wide for all children.  Who pray that kids worldwide have safety, food and love; who suddenly feel their suffering as if they were their own.

For all of you who sat up nights cradling sick toddlers, cleaning up macaroni chunks and cherry Kool-Aid saying, “It’s OK, honey, Mommy’s here.”  In a world of endemic divisiveness, where hatred is the cause and love the antidote, you relish the chance to rise above, to conquer it with empathy, wisdom and by example.

Here's to the moms whose child surprised them by being slightly "different" at birth.  And to the mothers whose children were born ill, but fight tirelessly for their lives.  They’ll get their courage and character from you. 

This is for those who show up at work with spit-up stains on their blouses and diapers in their purses.  Then after a tough day at work, still read “Goodnight, Moon” every night.  And read it again, “Just one more time?” as they fall peacefully asleep.

This is for all of you who froze your fannies off on metal soccer bleachers so that when she asks, “Did you see my goal?” you can say, “Of course, I wouldn’t have missed it for the world,” and mean it!

This is for all the mothers who teach their sons to cook and their daughters to catch fly balls.  Here’s a shout-out to all of you whose heads turn automatically when a little voice calls “Mom?” in a crowd, even though you know yours are away at college.

To the moms drained and depleted, thanks for waking up each day to battle forward.  It’s OK when you mess up occasionally.  We know hard you’re trying and how much we mean to you!

This is for mothers whose kids have gone astray; who can’t find the words to reach them.  And for Moms of all ages who put flowers on their children’s graves praying that when their own time comes, it’s their child that joyfully leads them by the hand into His eternal Kingdom.

Finally, three gazillion cheers to those of you who are still raising us … and helping raise your grandkids; who decades later, still continue giving of yourselves to both the big and little people you adore so much.

One day a year isn’t enough to celebrate motherhood and everything you do for us.  To all the Moms and Moms-to-be out there … Happy, Happy Mother’s Day!

Lord of Life, thank You for all mothers.  Continue strengthening them in their daily tasks.  Grant them wisdom in the lessons they teach, patience in the discipline they foster, and persistence in their promotion of decency and compassion.  Amen