Thursday, August 5, 2021

Flip Flops in the Rain

 “Rainbows remind us of the covenant between God and all living creatures." ~ Genesis 9:16

Victoria gazed out her window to dark, maniacal clouds.  The pitter-patter against her window meant only one thing.  Rain stirred something deep within her; sharing its bountiful life force and cleansing her soul.

She jumped into Ferrosi capris, a light jacket and flip flops (a rain-washed path seems to invite playful feet).  She ran from her building sans cash, cellphone or even an umbrella.

The rain came steady and soft, falling from a sky of white velvet.  Suddenly the rocks became more brilliant, the flowers more vibrant, the hillside more lovely.

There was something magical about walking on a rainy day.  Because fewer people go out in the rain it gave her a better sense of space for her thoughts and emotions to run wild.  She’d have the woods, the beach, or the sidewalk to herself.  Alone with her thoughts, raindrops became her meditation; peaceful, present, and maybe slightly rebellious.  Rainy days were the best!

She often wondered if fresh raindrops really had such divine power . . . or was it just in her mind?  Perhaps a little of both.

Taking a walk in the rain helped ease her mind to give up control and go about life, no matter what the weather, or anything else, tossed her way.  Just like with a rain shower, everything has its moment and will eventually pass.

It also helped Victoria see things from a different perspective: whether it was the dimmer light, the gloomy mood, or the reflection of streetlights in puddles, almost everything looked different on rainy days.

Scientific studies indicate that the fresh smell after the rain comes from the oils of plants mixing with the ozone and the good bacteria from the soil.  It calms and relaxes the mind, which is why she felt so refreshed after breathing in the clean air that followed a good rain.  Plus, rain water is alkaline, and contains no minerals making it ideal for Victoria’s hair and skin.

She stopped to enjoy the sheer joy of some street children soaked to the skin, playing in the rain.  They stomped, danced and giggled as if the normal pressures of life were absent for the moment.  Anyone who says you can’t bottle love has never experienced the intoxicating laughter of an excited child splashing in muddy puddles.

Everything seemed right with the world. 

Victoria returned home but not before a rainbow arced across the sky in colors that sparked a glow that stayed within.  She took a warm shower, donned flannel pajamas, prepared a cup of hot tea and cozied up with a good book.  The perfect day indeed, one for which she was eternally grateful to the amazing One who provided it.

“I pray that whatever storm you’re facing, you will be reminded today that God always keeps His promises.  I pray that He will give you the courage to stare at the rain that’s clouding your vision and thank God, for the rain”. ~ Victoria