Sunday, September 5, 2021

Angel of the Night

 “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved." ~ Mark 16:16

Her night shift begins and ends the same way - a changing of the guard.  Two nurses, one from the incoming shift and another from the outgoing, circulate through the NICU, studying records detailing treatments in the last 12 hours.  They visit each infant and discuss what still needs doing.  

With the handoff complete, Veronika returned to each incubator to prepare them for the evening as a glorious sunset poured through the windows.

Veronika said a silent prayer every night on her walk from the parking structure: “Lord, be my hands, my eyes and my brain.  Guide me in everything I do to keep these little ones safe.”

Interruptions soon punctuated the night.  Blood must be drawn, feeding tubes and IV’s checked, vitals monitored, oxygen adjusted.  One of her patients had been born so prematurely that they couldn’t do anything to save his life.

His young mother remained stoic throughout the experience.  Veronika felt helpless waiting next to her for the inevitable to happen; short term comfort care only.  

The grieving mother told Veronika she wanted to have her baby baptized before ‘he was gone.’  The nurse immediately called the hospital’s Chaplain, thankful to finally feel like she was doing something useful.  He didn’t answer.

She called every chaplain on the list.  No one answered in the middle of the night.  Veronika returned to the mom and explained that she’d failed to locate anyone officially qualified.  The ritual would have to wait until morning.

Just then Veronika heard an unmistakable subliminal voice shouting, “NOW!”  She asked Mom if were OK for her to baptize the child.  She readily agreed.

Holding a baby bottle of sterile water in one hand and the tiny infant in the other, she poured a bit of water on the dying boy’s forehead saying: “I baptize you, Manuel, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.“  Before she could say “Amen,” he died.

Veronika dried him off before handing him back to his mother.  She held Manuel for a short while, and wrapped him in the soft blanket given by her church before returning him to the incubator.  There was a purity to him; love given and received.

The two hugged and cried.    

In that moment, Veronika fully appreciated what it meant to be in ‘His Hands.’

It’s likely that you’ve been placed in someone’s life for the salvation of a soul.  Even if you don’t know them, pray for the ‘hard cases’ - the lost sheep and the souls farthest from God’s grace.  Make it a daily habit to say the traditional “Angel of God” prayer and entrust all your intentions to the Lord at your side, particularly the spiritual needs of those you love:

“Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here.  Ever this day be at my side, to light, to guard, to rule and guide.”  Amen