Monday, November 1, 2021

Never Too Late

 "Be kind to strangers, you may be showing hospitality to angels without knowing it." ~ Hebrews 13:2

Amanda was on her way home from work when she noticed traffic was moving in a strange way.  Traffic had slowed; horns were blaring.  And then the cause of the problem came into view.

An elderly woman stood in the middle of the road.  Apparently, the signal to walk had expired while she was still trying to cross.  While many of the oncoming cars did stop for her, some of the cars in the outer lane kept driving, ignoring that she was left helpless in the middle of the road.  She looked terrified.  

Damian had been standing outside the corner pharmacy waiting to pick up a prescription for his grandmother.  From a distance, he had an imposing stature; someone you might not want to lock eyes with, smirking as if something bad was about to happen.

He could see that she was frightened; a chill that only fear can put in you.  He instantly thought of his own MawMaw.

She, like many older persons, tended to look more at her feet due to the inherent need to plant precise steps.  In turn, she also paid less attention to the traffic. 

He rushed toward the stranded woman.

Even with the smile on his face, she looked worried.  Was he going to rob her; maybe hurt her?

She indicated that she needed to go to the far side.  “Right now,” Damian said kindly, “let’s just get you out of traffic.”  He blocked all cars from moving in any direction. Then Damian escorted her to the other side of the street walking in such a way that the cars would see them both … and know that if you hit one of them, you’d hit them both.

When they reached the other side, the smile on her face grew like a spring flower.  People smile with more than their mouths.  Damian heard it in her voice; saw it in her eyes, and felt it in the way she relaxed.  Pandemic be damned, she hugged him in a way that brought pure joy. 

She thanked him profusely and offered a few bills as compensation.  He refused.  This wasn’t a job to him; but simply helping someone in need.  God only knew how many who had given him a hand in the past.  He lived his whole life that way; it never occurred to him to act any differently.

The world is full of unkindness.  But we all have the choice to be kind.  It costs nothing, but has rewards that are beyond worth.  It has no time table.  It’s NEVER too late to be kind to someone.

Tender Lord, teach us to be more like You in all ways – kinder, more gentle, generous, forgiving, and caring.  Lead us to follow in Your humble footsteps.  Mold and shape us into the brilliant beings we were always destined to become.  Amen