Friday, June 24, 2022

Two Castles

 “You people have exchanged your glorious God for empty idols." ~ Jeremiah 2:11

He knelt upon the primrose sand; infinite fun packaged into a tiny human.  Soft curls fell in cinnamon swirls to a face that was as sweet as white chocolate.  His eyes danced with joy and imagination as he scooped and packed sand into a small bucket.

To his sheer delight, a castle tower appeared.  He continued working all afternoon spooning out a moat, forming walls, building sentries and bridges, and decorating the sandcastle with seaweed and seashells.  After hours of determination, his architectural masterwork came alive.

Away from the beach, an executive worked well into the night; office lights shimmering as heaven's stars from within the skyscraper.  He shuffled papers, delegated assignments, juggled numbers, and pounded his keyboard.  Over time and sweat, a profitable empire emerged.

He too worked tirelessly formulating plans and forecasting the future.  He built a stately mansion with acres of lush landscaping, sweeping staircases, and a grand ballroom; a luxurious house lavished with amenities like a koi pond, wine cellar, and eight-car garage. 

The two castle-builders shared much in common.  They both shaped granules into grandeurs, labored diligently at work that made them happy and accepted each day as a blank canvas.  For both, the tide will rise … and the end will come.  Similarities end there.

The little boy embraced his castle’s demise; the man ignored it.  

As the tide rolled in, giggles and laughter filled the air as waves washed away his day’s creation.  No sorrow.  No fear.  No regret.  He knew it would happen.  Collecting his tools, he walked home with his Mom satisfied with all he’d achieved.

As a wave of misfortune collapsed his empire, terror consumed the executive.  Bewildered and crestfallen, he agonized over the loss of his shrine, trying desperately to save it.  He snarled at the incoming challenges.  “I built my fortune from nothing, I don’t deserve this,” he resisted.

The ocean remained silent in response.  Both knew to whom the sand belonged.

Too often, what we once celebrated as a gift from God, becomes an idol that rules and directs our hearts.  It happens too easily and so subtly. 

Our genuine obedience, once the fruit of grace, morphs into self-righteous pride strutted for all to see.  The house once regarded as an unearned gift from God becomes an obsession devouring our thoughts, desires, and energy.  The wisdom once derived from the Holy Spirit’s illuminating ministry becomes the weapon against those who don’t understand what we believe.  We replace God as the epicenter of our spiritual hope and seek salvation in empty things that don’t deliver.

So, build your sandcastle, but build with a child’s heart.  When the sun sets and the tides steal, salute the journey and build new dreams.  But never forget the One who gave you that chance.

Lord, help me build my life with a child’s heart.  Help me see them through Your eyes and love them with the unfailing, unconditional love of Christ.  Cleanse my heart of impatience and selfishness, bitterness and anger.  Amen