Friday, October 14, 2022

For the Love of a Child

 “Let the children come to Me.  The kingdom of heaven belongs to them." ~ Matthew 19:14

The tiny tot blinked and gazed up at his ginormous Dad in a vague haze.  His miniature frame had finally surrendered to exhaustion.  Carl reached down and picked up his son Jameson and carried him as if it were a hug that kept his heart in sinus rhythm.

Within but a few steps, the boy snuggled into his Dad, safe and secure, letting the world of dreams come in its fanciful way.  Confirmation spread across his normally expressive face; his chatty mouth had gone soft with sleep.  Two hearts melding as one: connected, bonded, indivisible.

Carl savored this precious time with his son.  He felt so light, looked so perfect, and smelled so divine.  He will be Jameson’s protector for as long as he lives; love for him that will last for all eternity. 

A sense of complete and total peace washed over Carl.  Is there anything sweeter in the world than a sleeping child?  He’ll only be a little boy for such a short time, yet he can already name a thousand things he adored about him.

His chest tightened.  The extra weight was no bother, only the anxiety of not knowing how many more times he’d get to carry him like this.  How long before Jameson will be too big for his arms, too old for needing to be tucked in, too grown up for what he was to him right now?  It’s something that’ll pass without witness and he dreaded it.  So for now, Carl would treasure the heft for as long as the boy lets him carry it.

For now, he’ll breathe in the scent of maple syrup and sweaty feet that boys emit and commit it to memory.  He’ll continue to lift him every time he needs it, safely bring him where he needs to be, and leave him when it is time to go.  In short – he wants to love Jameson as Jesus does.  Perfectly!

He wondered: “When he looks into my eyes, will he see the face of God looking back with eyes of delight?  When he hears my voice, will he get a taste of Christ’s love for him?  When he’s being held, will he catch a glimpse of God’s heart beating wildly with excitement in his future?

Of course, that’s impossible, only Jesus can and does love perfectly.  But when His grace begins to transform our hearts, it also begins to transform our parenting.  It isn’t about what we do, but what His grace does through us when we surrender to His wholehearted acceptance of us.  Until we accept God’s wild, unrestricted love, we will struggle in vain to let it flow through us to our kids.

Lord, help me love my children as you love them.  Show me that my ability to love others as Jesus loves them is profoundly influenced by my own understanding and acceptance of how You love me!    Amen